What should I get- He 111 or B-25?

Both are 1/72, both are made by Hasegawa, and both are strong candidates for purchase in my taking advantage of Hobby Lobby’s half off sale. I can get one or the other, but not both, and I honestly don’t know which I want to get. Any feedback, suggestions, or info would be welcome. Thank you!

Well, B-25 is a sexy bird, but the He-111 has more interesting painting options. The B-25 also has an array of markings, but most were olive drab, and the several models of the B-25 were very different looking (medium bomber, ship strike, anti-tank/infantry airplane, heavy fighter), so it would be hard to build any one different than that of the kit. I would pick the He-11 becuse all the models of it (except the Zwillig) all are pretty much the same.

I would also go for the HE-111. For the reasons listed above. You have more options with the paintschemes. Ive built two, and both are very different in appearance.

I must abjectly admit that I gave up on a 1:48 He-111 because of the endless complexity of the cockpit canopy… Yeah, I know, I <shouldn’t> admit it,


They are both excellent kits & both have AM detail & decals available if you want to gild the lily. It really boils down to which one appeals to you the most.

Regards, Rick

Unless the HE-111 is an early one with proper separated flight deck and bomb aimer’s stations (Spanish Civil War types) I’d go with the B-25. I never thought the later HE-111s looked right with the cockpit and bomb aimer’s station all under the same greenhouse.

The B-25 not only gives you war time options, but many saw a lot of postwar service too if you wanted to take the model a bit more off the beaten track. There’s plenty of aftermarket for B-25s in general out there that you could pretty much model one as a warbird, water bomber or anything in between.

Hey Lucien,

Since it is Hobby Lobby’s half-off sale, I would get BOTH!

I mean you are getting two for the price of one!

At least that is what I did for the Revell/Monogram 1/48 scale He-111 and B-25.

Tom T[C):-)]

Sometimes when I’m picking a model, I think of it’s service as well. One of my favorites is the B-25 and Doolittle’s Raid. That’s why I built mine.[:D]


Go For The Mitchell!

My vote is for the B25…check out this site for some marking options…http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/a...not all the Mitchels were OD and Netrual Grey…Some really cool nose art as well…

Even though I consider the B-25 to be a grand looking bird, especially when on the deck from head on with props turning, my votes for the He-111. The schemes are near endless, and multitude of “high-tech” external weapons that can be attached. Or even a simple conversion to the CASA 2.111 if out of the box doesn’t cut it.

Unfortunately, I seem to have accidently settled this question myself. Take a look:


Thanks for all the advice, though. Next time, maybe! [:D][tup]