What plane is this?

Flying very slowly over Boise yesterday. I snaped a picture…I had plenty of time.

What is it?

Tough to tell for sure. A B-25, maybe?

Wing shape out to nacelles and tail configuration tend to say Mitchell to me too.

Wings look too narrow in chord for a B-25. Possibly a C-7 Caribou

compare a B-25 from similar angle

Hard to tell from the picture. Could you tell if it had fixed landing gear? Did it have a single vertical stab or double?

I think it’s a B-25. does the WarBirds museum over in Napa,( Eagle), Idaho have a flying B-25?

That was fun,here are some of mine that are probably easy

The cord is not wide enough for a B25. I think Stick may be right but it looks to have two vertical stabs. Mustang, yes I believe it had retracs

Tojo, B24, B29

At first I thought it might be a Manchester.

I did too, but there aren’t any left. The striking characteristic is the inboard flap edges being square to the centerline.

I don’t think it’s a B-25. The nacelles don’t extend past the trailing edge of the wing

I believe it’s a caribou or even a buffalo.

HE 177 over Boise :wink:


For my two pennys worth I reckon its a B25

I am sure it’s a civilian. Slow means not a turbo.

It’ll come up "short"ly. Something like a DH Caribou.



I’m not familiar with the Buffalo, but after looking it up, yes it could be that also. Apparently the Buffalo is based off of the Caribou. The types of engines used and the placement of the horizontal stabilizers being the main differences. Did it sound like it had radial engines or turboprop engines?

I can see a slight bulge on the trailing edge that could be the nacelle extensions, and the vertical stabs are at the ends of the horizontal stabs. Wing shape suggests maybe some diehidral from the fuselage to the nacelles.

Still thinking B 25.

visual aspects against B-25

Engine nacelles do not project far enough back from the trailing edge of the wings

longer distance in the fuselage between the wings and the horizontal stabilizers

nose does not extend as far out past the engine nacelles

wings appear to extend out further from engine nacelles and are thinner in chord


I know what a 25 looks like in the sky. I can pick a B-17, B24, B25, A26, B29, HE111 and a Ford tri motor from the ground and I garantee this was not a Mitchell.

John, if there were any HE 117s and they just happen to be flying over Boise, I’d totaly agree.

Stick and Caveman are probably right, something like a Caribou or Buffalo. Two things bother me though, why did it appear (too far for a positive conformation really) to have twin vert stabs and why would it still have radals? On the speed, at a longer distance I thought it might have been a 17 at first. I’ve seen plenty of those and I had lots of time to get my camera, wait till it was closer then shoot.

It’s probably a tanker for the fires but I usually recognize those as well.

Having Owned a B-25;

It is definitely not one of those. More Likely a Caribou or a Buffalo. They are similar and so many have had mods to keep them flying.The only other plane that would’ve qualified except for the Empennage is the Canadair Fire Bomber.