What is the most desired model

I wonder what sub kit/model would be the most sought after? would it be an I-boat, midget sub (German or Japanese) or…?

curious what you all think.

World War II submarines USS Narwhal and Nautilus. Probably the largest American submarines to ever see action in the Pacific. Good detailing possibilities too.

West Virginia, Maryland, California, Colorado or any other BB’s at Pearl Harbor besides Arizona.

I agree with ltfahey I wiuld ike to see them with build options for commisioning to decommissioning. I will add any pre-WWII warship from any country back to about 1900.

My dream model…a 1/350 HMS Hood in plastic.

Then of course, Scahrnhorst, Warspite, Takao, Taiho, Prinz Eugen, Baltimore, Atlanta, Rodney, Lexington…should I go on?? :slight_smile:

Jeff Herne

I’d also love to have a 1/350 (plastic) Hood alongside my Bismarck. . .

ICM will realease HMS HOOD some day 1:350, Its a very awaited plastic kit.
The question is when.
will it happen this year? next year?

ICM 1:350 IJN heavy cruiser Takao and Chokai are coming too. But when…

I have completely given up on ICM, and I don’t expect a Hood or Takao or Chokai from them.

I just got the new Minekaze 1/350 Tone, it’s expensive though, but what a great looking kit. The review is on the site www.modelwarships.com

There’s been all sorts of rumors from Trumeter about potential new ship releases, so we’ll see what they’re up to as well.

As for ICM, don’t wait, sell sell sell your stock like Martha Stewart!

Jeff Herne

I would like a good " omaha class light cruiser in either 250 or 350 in plastic in a pre war version such as “Marblehead” also a correct wilkes class dd in either of these scales

I would like…In plastic 1/35th scale, of course !
From WW2:
First…An PT boat ( # 450 onward )…A MUST ! With these lovely twin .50s…
LCVP…A good one, at last !
LCM3…In plastic, I said, Mr Verlinden !
And maybe…just for fun…An LST !
From Nam brown water navy:
PBR Mk 1…
PCF " Swift boat "…Any Mks !
LCM " Monitor "…Any kind !
RPC " ragboat "…From SVN folks !
And a tiny Boston whaler…For my Seal troops !

A PHM would also be nice.

About Trumpeter i hope to see the continuation of 1:350 plastic ships, now they will realease CV Lexington, Saratoga, CVN Nimitz and i think one Russian modern carrier too, then i hope to see not only carriers.
About ICM, if it comes true about 1:350 Hood and Takao better for us, if not…
We will survive anyway.

Captain Nemo’s Nautilus, at a decent price! Other than that, the HMS Bounty (a new kit please!), and the Graf Spee, at a larger scale. And some American Civil War ships too.

My most wanted Shipmodel is the German (Bundesmarine) Destroyer “Hessen” on which i served for 3 Years.
1:350 would be cool but 1:700 is also ok.

I agree with djmodels1999, it would be nice to see some larger Civi War models. Others that I would like are BB Maryland and CA Indianpolis in 1/350 scale.

1/350 Nevada Class: spacifically USS Oklahoma, BB37


A 1/350 scale WW II IJN Carrier. Doesn’t matter which ship. I would love to have a carrier along side of the Yamato!!!

I think WW2 warships looks very majestic and awesome, especially Japanese ones.

I’m beginning my collection of them, starting with Yamato, Bismarck and Prince of Wales of the 1/350 Tamiya series. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off the still shrink-wrapped boxes! Haven’t started building!
Also just got 1/450 Akagi from Hasegawa.
Man! I’m gonna be broke buying all these majestic queens of tWW2!

Any recommendation for a solid reference of these warships?
I was hunting around the net but not much luck.

How about modern auxiliary vessels and amphibious support ships (other than the Tarawa and Wasp), and mine countermeasures vessels. Injection molded 700th scale Cimmarron would be nice, Ive always wanted to have a complete CVBG.

Oh, and USCG Cutters, the Hamilton, Bear, Casco, Cape…