This issue has been brought up many times in the RC warbird forums, since we see so many relatives “racked over” by getting rid of the formers hobby stuff not knowing the true value of what they are getting rid of.
I just spent a few hours in the ER last week due to a fall after geting out of the way of a maniac SUV driver. Nothing major, just a few cracked ribs, however, I was asked by about my will which made me start thinking about how much of it is actually complete.
I went home and looked at updating it. My wife and I came to the old issue about my built models, unbuilt kits, supplies, and tools.
It’s a hard process, but I have written up rules on how to sell them on-line, contacts for appraisers, people to give first priority to, and places that she could donate stuff. It makes it easier for my family to know that they will not be burdened with wondering what to do with the stuff that they know means so much to me and is so much a part of my life.
I will have to live forever in order to build my collection. Actually, my Grandmunsters will get my unbuilt kits. I now have two who are into model building. They will also get all of my modeling supplies and equipment.
If I can’t take em with me, I aint going [:)]. Actually, I made an arrangement with the LHS to dispose of all kits, tools, accessories & built ups if I should demise. My wife is aware of the arrangement & I know they would treat her fairly.
Hopefully by then I will have at least one kid or grandkid who will want my unbuilt stuff. As for the stuff on the shelf, my plan is (if I am fortunate enough to see it coming) to have my self a styrene bonfire and give them a funeral “like the pagan kings of old”.
When I go…which I hope is a long long long time and many many many models from now…I hope to pass off my collection to my kids. The first of which is already on the way. If they don’t want the unbuilt kits then they may sell them off, and the built ones they may sell off to. But honestly I think they will be thelast thing they think about after I am gone and when they do they will probbly dump them off to the first person that offers a price if not the trash first. Oh well what will I know…I’ll be dead.
Have talked it over with my son and with grandkids around and getting older, I have left the decision to him. He has modeled in the past, so he knows what is invovled. Also built models could be donated to musuems if you have any in your area that would benifit with them.
This is a very dreary subject, but I want to chime in. I had this discussion with my wife when I was giving her a guilt trip about going to spend the night in the hospital to be checked for sleep apnea. Anyway it started as a joke because I didn’t want to go but later on I told her to remember just in case.
With all of my models I told her to ask on one of the forums I browse. I have seen several reputable individuals that I think would help as much as possible. With all of my Macross toys she roughly knows the value of each and I try to keep her up to date on their values. She knows one of my very good friends would help her with my vast comic collection. But in the end she says that she doesn’t think she could get rid of any of my stuff.
I hope my boy will want them. If he doesn’t then my wife can ebay them and she should do pretty well with their sale. I plan on throwing a three X five card in the boxes of the rare ones with a value and selling points.
Don’t think it really matters to me.
Once I am gone so are all my worldy concerns and needs, all I will be good for is material to fuel a fire or feed a few worms.
I’m with Joe on this one. If I don’t know of anyone who would truly appreciate them as a gift then I want to be buried with them. No sense letting them be crushed in the landfill. Besides, think of the fits you would give some anthropologist 2,000 years from now! [:D]
[#ditto][#ditto][#ditto] I can almost imagine the anthropolgists sitting around a table discussing the significance of these objects found in the graves and getting it completely wrong.
God willing, when that day comes many many many moons from now, I hope to have some offspring that will be interested in the hobby, and I will leave whatever I have to them.
Would that mean the stash uncovered by archaeologists would be rated on the number or the largest amount of aftermarket , thus giving them an idea of how important the person was when alive?
[:D] I for one plan to be buried with them just like the old kings of Egypt! After all, an eternity in the afterlife is an awful long time to spend without any model projects going on! [:p]
I can just imagine the grave robbers looting modellers tombs and offloading rare and almost forgotten kits to collectors and museums. How much would a 2500 year old Tamiya 1:32 F-16 fetch???
Can we curse them like Tutenkhamen’s tomb was supposedly cursed?