What do I need to connect

What do I need to connect the Paasche airbrush hose to an portable air tank. The fitting on the tank is a 1/4" female. The hose is a 1/4" female with what looks like a tapered internal compression fitting . It does not look like a standard 1/4" male / male brass fitting would seal on the hose side due to the internal tapered sealing arangement? [?] Thank you. Al

This is tough without a picture. But, it sounds like you may have a quick disconnect fitting? I’d suggest taking the airbrish and tank to a hardware store or someplace that sells brass fittings and do a “stare and compare”.

Good luck.


They sell connectors at DixieArt.com

I just went and looked at my set-up, which is a portable air tank and a paasche hose. In between the tank and the hose I have a water trap and a regulator, however, when all the smoke clears, you have at the tank end, a 1/4 in female fitting and on the hose end you have a 1/4 in female fitting. The most direct connection would be a short straight nipple that was 1/4 in male on each end. Don’t let the look of the paasche fitting bamboozle you, it screws directly onto a standard 1/4 in male fitting (use teflon tape between joints if you wish).

Hope this helps.

Thanks everyone for the help. Tom, I will get the fitting that you suggested and see if I can get a good seal. Thanks again everyone ! ! ! Al