What was everyone’s first venture into model ships and how did it go.[?]
Revell’s USS Arizona - Then I Pearl Harbored it. [}:)]
I can’t remember the very first ship, but I built darn near every carrier and battleship that Revell made. I think my first carrier was probably the Yorktown, and first battleship was probably Missouri or New Jersey. Also built a couple of Revell Arizonas. (They were cheap back then!)
Probably the Revell Arizona followed by the Missouri
1:700 Bismarck, after that i build allmost every battleships, carriers classes available 1:700 back than. today i build 1:350 ww2 warships.
My very first ship model was a Revell USS Franklin D. Roosevelt aircraft carrier. My dad and I did the actual building, and my mom did all of the painting. My first “solo” ship model was a Revell USS Sullivans destroyer.
I’d have to say it was the venerable Revell MIssouri…I remember wanting the Titanic (my mom is a Titanic nut), but I remember my dad telling me the model came with a big hole in the side, so I couldn’t play with it in the tub…
Where does the time go? From a Revell Missouri to scratchbuilding a Schnellboot in 1/32 scale…sheesh.
Built lots of them back in my early days (late 70s), mostly from the Airfix and Revell ranges. Difficult to remember which one was first, but it could have been the Airfix Graf Spee (still my favourite subject in ship modeling). Built loads of carriers from Revell (had loads of fun re-creating dogfights with all the aircraft in those!), and some neat (well, at the time!) subs showing ‘all’ inside details…
It must have been in the mid 50s’ - a carrier with F9 panthers and a chunky crane-shades of The Bridges At Toko Ri. I was aware something had gone on in a place called Korea, but at the time when I picked it out to “glue together” the notion that this carrier on the model shelf was there because it shot planes off the deck that flew in Korea was still not recognized by a 7 year old. I moved on to the Tug Boat (the Lindberg mold) and thence to The Sullivans. Currently working on the Heller 1:100 HMS Victory(so 47 years later I still get a kick out of "glueing them together, albeit with CA now) scheduled launch date…when it’s launched!~!
It must have been in the mid 50s’ - a carrier with F9 panthers and a chunky crane-shades of The Bridges At Toko Ri. I was aware something had gone on in a place called Korea, but at the time when I picked it out to “glue together” the notion that this carrier on the model shelf was there because it shot planes off the deck that flew in Korea was still not recognized by a 7 year old. I moved on to the Tug Boat (the Lindberg mold) and thence to The Sullivans. Currently working on the Heller 1:100 HMS Victory(so 47 years later I still get a kick out of "glueing them together, albeit with CA now) scheduled launch date…when it’s launched!~!
The first ship I recall building was Lindbergh’s PT-109 when it was first released. (Many moons ago…) I remember tube glue and an awful paint job at the waterline. I’ve since picked up a copy of the ‘109’ in 1/32 scale that was made for RC. This time I’m going to take extra care and do it right. [;)]
My first ship was the Bismarck 1:700, 17 years ago.
Macross VT-1 Super Ostrich was my reintroduction to the hobby after more than a decade repite
Ah, fond memories!!!My first time AH ,./…Er ship model
was the Revell Arizona and then the USS Missouri.40 yrs later my sons first
ship was the Revell Arizona!!!
Good Hunting,
My first ship was the Titanic, I don’t know what maker,but it must have been in about 1/700 scale.This is about 1980,before they actually found the Titanic on the ocean floor.I remember that It was very glossy as I only had gloss paint .Now I’m working on 1/350 Bismarck from Tamiya.Anyone know where I can get the decals or stencils for the bow and stern swastikas?
The very first that I can recall was the schooner “Bluenose” back in the late 1950s. Can’t remember who made the kit nor the scale, must have been Monogram or Revell. At the time, I thought it turned out pretty nice. I would probably throw rocks at it now.
I first built a 1:700 yamato, well maybe i was too ambitious and it looked horrible
The first model I built was the old DKM Tirpitz by Revell, then the DKM Bismarck (which was to my irritation, practically the same thing), then I built the Revell USS Arizona. Of the three, only the Arizona is still around. It was so damaged by 20 years of abuse that I “rebuilt” it as the wreck it appears today at the bottom of Pearl Harbor. I built another Revell Arizona 2 years ago, souped up with photo-etched railings and put the two together. They actually look pretty neat. Gives one a “then and now” effect.
My first ship model was a Revell 1/570 Tirpitz. Working on a 1/600 Airfix Graf Spee now.
1/72 F-105, I was 6 and had an unique “fingerprint” camouflage scheme to it.