What are Eduardo Detail Sets?

They say photo etched.

But what exactly are they? How do you use them. Im thinking of buying one, but dont want to pay $20 for something I can’t use.

Here is one, http://www.squadron.com/ItemDetails.asp?item=EU35415

Thanks, :slight_smile:

They are made of a soft bendable metal (brass?) that can be used to improve/correct some kit parts and provide small detail parts that are missing in the original kits. I’m currently using an Eduard set for the Tamiya T-72 and while I won’t use all the pieces, the ones that I have used make the tank look so much better. Photo etch pieces are attached to resin or plastic with super glue. I’ve started putting them on my models and I am very happy with the results.

ahhhhhhh… ok, now I see.

So you should buy the kit before you start the model correct?

Photoetched detail has come a long way these days. Eduard and Aber always have great offerings. But I never use a whole fret. I only usually replace tie downs, handles, racks, and grates. So basically I pay $19.99 to use only about 1/3 of the frets. Every time I say I am gonna build this model out of the box, I always have to use etched brass and linked tracks.

I think my experience with Aber kits has been more difficult but more rewarding. They seem to provide more for the money, though I think I’m also left with more unused parts as well.

It depends on you. I bought several p/e sets last year and still haven’t bought the kits. I still build OOTB, but for some projects (Syrian BMP-1, E. German T-72m1, JS-3 & SA-13) I want to put some extra detailing on the model, so I made sure I had the p/e sets and some other aftermarket goodies before I started building.


I didnt know anything about after market kits until yesterday. I took a 15 year break and am now waiting on all my mail order goodies to get here so I can dive back into it.

After reading this forum, you guys really got me jonesing to start right away, so I rummaged through my closet and found a 1/32 Revell F-14 Kit that wasn’t touched.

I started searching the net for reviews, how to’s and such. I have never had the ability to use the net for modelling, so it was a new experience. I found about 4 pages of different people that have done the kit in different ways. I learned SO much from reading those pages it was crazy.

Although the pages did not have direct links to each product, I gathered from what they said… did a search and found the companies that offered them. It was really weird. I found all kinds of things for the model that I can add on to it. After market Ejection seats, int and ext detail sets… and the thing I really really liked… Decals!!! It was crazy… I would have never thought of it… but I found a decal set that I really enjoyed, so I plan on buying it next week or so. It even had the colors for the paint job, decal scheme, the works… it was really great.

So instead of a slam together job for the F14, Im going to take my time with it… prime, sand, the works… buy the new decal set… order the exact color paints… and get the ejection seats. It will be the most intense model I have ever built, :slight_smile:

Then after searching and checking my shopping cart on Squadron for a few hours, I saw there are detail kits for most of the big models out there… and came here to ask what they were… they looked like metal, but wasn’t sure exactly how they are used.

Lots of us in the hobby are returns from many years past. Welcome!

Have a look here for some other great sites:

Go here for some inexpensive basic tools:

But if you do decide to get a detail set, get some really nice tweezers also. I have the Zona set and that set me back 25.00 for five tweezers. Expensive, yes, worth it, absolutly. Also you have to use super glue to glue with. I use the 5 minute type so i can make sure the part is in perfect position, then set it with a kicker. That is a liquid tha tyou buy that will instantly set superglue when applied. The big thing is to take your time and be patient. I recently completed a Tiger I in 1/72 scale and the smoke dischargers had to be rolled from the brass part. In this scale i could only really do one a night and had t work on other less tedious items in betweem. Good luck Bill

So far, I have spent about $450 in the past few days buying all sorts of tools, paints, etc.

I hope this is all I will need, lol.

The only thing else you may need is an increase in the line of credit on your card Ron. LOL

LOL, I have no credit cards. I just use my bank card that comes out of my checking account. I have 4 ex girlfriends that taught me a lesson about credit cards.

I have a question though, are there any other modelling forums like this around?

If you are looking for planes try www.hyperscale.com

For armor try:

This site is a very good information site as well:
