WEM H.M.S.Vanguard.SSBN.

It was announced recently that White Ensign Models had sold all their 1/350 scale HMS Vanguard(modern British SSBN sub.)resin kits and so it was being withdrawn from their kit list.As is the way sometimes there was an upsurge of people interested in buying this kit so WEM said that if they could get 10 firm pre-orders by the 12th of september they would put the kit back into production.The count now stands at 9,so if you have been tempted by this kit in the past,now is the time to order it and so stop it dissapearing forever.
I have no affiliation with WEM,I am just someone who wants to get the kit back into production so I can buy one myself.
bst rgds,


hope they do remake the kit its a pretty good kit looks good with their trafalgar class sub
on the same shelf