Website changes?

I recently received the latest copy of the mag. The first was about coming changes to the site. Hopefully they’re of substance and not just color or font changes. Maybe a better search function, or maybe being able to change your email address.

Anyone else read this article? If so, thoughts?

The thing I would like to see is more room between the black menu stripe and the navigation links just below. When I move the cursor up to click on a link in the navigation links, I inadvertently hit that black bar and bring down an image that covers up the navigation link. I have my cursor control with a moderate amount of momentum selected. That creates the problem. But it works with virtually all other web sites and I like that setting. I hate to set no momentum at all, just because of the FSM site. More space, please.

I did, and it sounds like its going to be a big change. If i was reading it right, and i don’t know much about computers beyond thumping the buttons, but this has come about because of the recent issues with the site which are down to it being outdated (happy to be corrected if i have that wrong). Whether we will see any changes to how we use the site i don’t know, but if it stops all the recent problems, i am sure many will be happy.

Here we go again… more screw ups and lock outs.

Hopefully they are better ones. I haven’t been a fan of this set up here for a while but it’s not much of a game changer for me. There’s some good folks here.

Have faith folks…it seems they are trying to fix the issues and hopefully it will all smooth out.

Most of these problems were not around before the last site revamp. And many have never been addressed. Hopefully they have better folks working on the next one than the last revamp.

Sounded like they were going to a whole new system and dumping the old broke thing we have now. Just hoping everything transfers over…

Ye, that the impression i get.

I am always a bit afraid of “big” changes when the users wer not asked what they would like to see. I am member of very influental sports forum and we all like that the owner always conducts a poll before changes are implemented and never takes an attitude that it is free so deal with it.

I would cerainly like to see a spell check and a better search function. But…nobody asked.

Me too.

And the ability to see a list of a users past posts.

It would be nice if they would announce this change here on the forums. Only way I knew that it was going to happen is by this thread.

It seems out of character for FSM to have even mentioned the forum in the magazine, let alone announce a forum change/upgrade.

Can anyone else confirm having read this?

Editor’s letter FSM April 2019 issue.

I’ll take that as confirmation, then. Thank you. [t$t]

My subscription is on sabatical so I have no way of checking the article.

Yes, I read it the other. It sounds like they are going to completely change the software since the version we’re on now is a dinosaur and newer better versions are out there. Kinda like we a using cassette tapes while everyone else is using MP3. Just my opinion though.

more like being on 8 track tape now lol.

Read it too. Hope it isn’t going to be to hard for all us computer illiterate old farts to understand and use.

Jim [cptn]

From my read it appears that they realize the last effort was a patch, and that the new version to come will be real improvement. Like the rest of you, I certainly hope for the best. This forum is a really good place and any positive changes are welcome.

Elizabeth, where are you? Please keep us posted on this…thanks!

I think the site was better before the last big update. What ever happened to the ability to go to the last unread post?