weathering wash

i want 2 put a wash on my king tiger to bring out some of the features before drybrushing any suggestions. also what is a good % thinner 2 paint ect useing acrylics. thanx

for the wash can, u can use several methods. my two favorites are: for the first wash i put mineral spirits in a mixing bowl and put a little bit of oil paint in it. make it lok like strong coffe. for the second and my favorite i mix water, liquid dishwashing soap, and acrylic paint. as fo the drybrushing, i get a little of the base color and mix it with white paint and a little bit of yellow.

Juniormodeler pretty much nailed it.

When I do a wash I use Winser Newton Oils with Turpenoid (which is a Turpentine substitute). I usually thin the paint with the turpenoid by about 90-95%.

As for Acylics, I pretty much use the same ratio, but I do not use liquid dishwahing soap. I try to keep a semi glossy sheen on the basecoat when I plan on using Acrylic washes.

All in all, I prefer Oil washes over Acrylics, because you have more working time with them, and Oil paint has a much richer pigment.



I put a gloss coat on the model then decal and wash. I wash with burnt umber oil paint mixed with white mineral spirits if the base coat is brown or sand. If the base color is green or dark gray I use black oil paint. MIx it to the strong coffee color and wash away. Wait for the oils to dry then I usually give it a shot of dullcoat before I drybrush.

Here is a link to an FSM article on washes:
The subject has wings but the technique is the same.
Hmm… that kinda sounds like a song.[:P]

thankyou for your help peoples.