warrior mcv / ifv photos?????

Does anyone know where I might find any shots of warriors (or any other allied vehicales ) in current service in iraq or kuwait? On the web or otherwise.I have been looking for awhile and I haven’t had much luck ( on the web).I know I just have not looked in the right place yet… Thanks… I owe ya’ one…

Follow this link and then click on photo galleries:

Yahoo news (photos) has been a good source of pictures for me. I’ve downloaded a lot of photos. I’ve also found photos in the news section at www.iwon.com

THANKS…Those are some great pics. One queston though.What are the big a.b.s. pipes strapped to the sides of the vehicales for?(enter looting joke here)…Thanks again…
P.S. They could’nt be ditch breaching poles could they???

abs pipes are used to fill trenches and the like so vehicles can cross, commonly known as facines. Also they have the added help of protecting against rpg’s

Thank you.I realize now that their is much more to british armor than meets the eye.

hey mate,

If you go to the British Army web site, and register with the picture library, they have hundreds of thousands of pics from past years.
I use it all the time and have found some priceless pics.

Also they send you hi-res copies via email, which is a nice touch

acurate armour has some nice add ons for british subjects, although they are pricey.

good luck mate!!!