Warbird Modeling part II

Yes, I admit it: I’m playing with the Forum’s poll feature. Here’s another question, posed strictly to satisfy my own curiosity: How did you purchase Warbird Modeling?

Hey, where’s the option for “I obtained my copy free from my employer”? [;)]

How about, “Honest, honey, I don’t remember this in my bag at the bookstore!” - I tried it; didn’t work for me, though :slight_smile: - Ed

I find that with ‘special issues’ I get it quicker when I special order. Nice job. Thanks


I was impressed with the way it was sent so fast, it was about 4 days to my house then another 10 to here in Kirkuk AB(Freedom AB) Iraq

I subscribe and saw it advertised in Ja '03 issue. No mention of publication date; I ordered in Feb. didn’t know it wouldn’t come out untile June. When is the next one sccheduled and will we have any input to which ones are covered?[8]

Hi ya Lawrence

I like polls … but, I like special editions even more … and the Warbird Modeling is really a great magazine. Thanks to one and all. [:p]

I love your mags and special issues and I like to support my local hobby dealer so that’s why I get them from him. Excellent reference, I’m doing a B-17F in 1/48 now so, the timing couldn’t be better.

How about the next one is 1/72nd only? I’m sure Paul would back me up on that one!


I liked the Warbirds edition and only have one question. When is the next one coming out and who decides what goes in it? OK, that’s two questions that need an answer. FSM has brought me back into the fold after 25 yrs. I built my first T-Model Ford in the '50s and recently saw it featured in FMS; talk about bringing back memories.

Yes Sir I like poles too. I like them so much I married one. 42 years ago. Fred

How about----

Husband: “Sweetie, can I stop by Hobbytown on the way home?”

Wife: " What the [censored] do you need from Hobbytown now?"

Husband: " …Just a little thing or two…"

Wife: “(laughing)What kind of little thing or two, and how much will it cost, because you know you have spent X amount of dollars at Hobbytown this month.”

Husband: (stuttering and stammering) Well… you know…only a coupla bucks it’s just a magazine."

Wife: “I suppose, but that is it, nothing else. I don’t know where you think money comes from but it is**# NOT**off that tree out back! And besides you spent all that money on models on Ebay too!”

Husband: That is not fair, I bought that stuff over 3 months ago. Any way the magazine is only $5.00."

Wife: “Alright. But nothing else.”


Wroper, do you have my house bugged?! That sounded like my wife.

The other night I was out with a couple of buddies. One of my buddy’s mom had given him the kids Christmas present (early) which has to be opened on the 30th (because it’s an Advent calendar made out of wood). So I walk in the door with this huge bag. The wife hears the plastic bag and next thing I know she’s in the kitchen “interrogating” me. “Now what did you get?!” she asks. “Everytime you go out, you’re coming home with something from the hobby shop,” she says. So I told her what was in the bag and she left me alone. Luckily she didn’t see the bag I was holding behind it. [;)][:-^]

Ha Ha too funny David. My wife is pretty good but darn she will bring up the Ebay incident for the next 5 years!!! [:D][:D][:D]
