Wanted: USS Texas & USS Gambier Bay

I can not find these models for under $100. Please tell me I’m just not looking in the right places.

Welcome to the forum. I will see if I can find anything for you. Great Models Webstore has a Gambier Bay at 1/2400 for $13.00. The other two that they have are far more than $100. Nothing on the Texas yet.


Welcome to FSM [#welcome]

Try and post your question in the ships forum, maybe someone there can help you.

See you in the forums.

Can’t help ya with the boats, but I can welcome ya to FSM!

welcome to the forums. other than a search through the online sites i have i am afraid i would be of no help with your question. monrad is right on, if you post in the ship forum the experts can help.


Hello Schlabra, Welcome to the forum.

[#welcome] mate

Welcome aboard !!!

Welcome to the gang, sorry no info on the ships though.

Welcome to the forums

Welcome to the asylum. What scale are you looking at? in 1/350 these kits are only available resin (your $100 and up kits).

welcome to the forums. you’ll find lot’s of expertise here. the guys over in the ships forum will probably be alot of help to you. semper fi, mike

[#welcome]to fsm

Welcome to FSM and the forums. Would it be possible to take an older class vessel like the Arizona and use aftermarket parts to build the Texas?

Hi Schlabra, welcome to FSM and see you in the forums.

hello and welcome to the fsm

HI and welcome, Schlabra!

Regards, Dan

Welcome to the Forums, Schlabra! Strangely, enough, my IPMS is building a model of the Gambier Bay… But it’s going to be in 1/48th scale… I think they got blueprints for it on-line… if you need references, i can ask some of my buddies. [:D]

Welcome to FSM

Thanks for warm welcome![:D] With suggestions, have already purchased a Gambier Bay [^]

I’ll post request in ships . . .