"Wanderer" Whaling Ship

OK Folks this is the Big One!

I recieved the WWS in todays mail and HAD to wait to get at it. Here are the plus’.

  1. The stand the hull rest one is 2 fully shaped sperm Whales. NO JOKES PLEASE! The hull rest in shallow holes carves in thier backs Looks super, very different. Nice name plate

  2. Hull detail is very good, nice copper plate, decent wood grain.

  3. Deck detail is very good. Deck houses are a bit heavy mold, but o.k.

  4. Mast are well built and detailed


1.Yards have the sails molded on them, I will have to decide to remove or leave them on and work with them, or carfully remove the plastic and bend on cloth sails.

  1. Rigging is a little light but I think you folks know I can handle it!

Overall it is a 99% perfect kit.

I will start painting trimming on it Moday.


My $0.02 worth … replace the plastic sails with cloth ones or leave them off entirely. The plastics never look right. Besides, removing them will make rigging easier, as you know. And post some pics as go along.

Long Island Ed.

Hi Sheetblock.

I never did like those plastic sails, they really take away from the model,
eww yuck. I would like to write a anticle on building it, but no one else has the rare model. Or does anyone have it and we could work together?

Take a look at my Cutty Sark at:


Very nice work, Big J. We’re all primarily wooden ship builders in my club, and I’m one of the few who still works in plastic now and then (that’s where I got my start). I love seeing guys like you take a plastic kit and really trick it out with all the details.

Long Island Ed.

That’s an Aurora kit right? What scale is it?
I think I would loose the molded sails, they never look good.

BTW: Thanks for all your help on the C. W. Morgan, the build is progressing nicely albeit slowly (I have too many irons in the fire). I’ll get back to you on the block count.

Yes it is the old Aurora Kit. The scale is a bit muttled and i’m trying to figure it out. I doing a bit of research on the ship, very little to go on. It was a real whaler and in 1924 it was caught in a Hurrican and destroyed. the CW MORGAN is the only one left.

Any history from any of your fellow ship modelers would help.
