Wal Mart has a ton of re-issued AMT kits such as the 66 Buick Riviera, 66 Olds 4-4-2 W30, 62 T-Bird, etc. They all scan up as “Value Glue Kit” and have that fresh, 1986 price of $4.98!!
We all know we want to have the biggest collection of unbuilt kits for those cold winter nights, now is the time.
Yeh, I’ve got about a dozen of the 64 Impala kits so far. Now if I could just find some more of the 71 Dusters…
At that price they’re great for practicing/experimenting with!
Remember when they were ALL that price?
I remember back then is when a premium Testors kit cost 10 bucks, I guess that’s why I never got one.
why is it that these re-issues are under 5.00 bucks but the ssp and buyers choice kits are 15.00? I also wonder what drives prices at the retail level, case in point, new revell datsun pick up w/ 2 dirt bikes… all are old molds but the kit has a msrp of 22.00 and I saw it as high as 31.00!!!.
the model company’s wonder why kids are not buyng kits, it could be the prices.
I don’t mind shelling out a few more $$$ for something I really want , but there is a point where I just wait till the local craft store gets them and then use the 40% coupon they put in the Sunday paper.
I do both. Market demand pushes the price up, discount coupons knock it down again. Let’s hear it for the Sunday paper! 
Wally World is the only one that sells those kits at that price, other AMT re-issues like the (somehow supernaturally eluding my grasp) A-Team van is still pretty much 13 bucks everywhere (but where I shop, can’t find one, and I ain’t paying shipping)
build up the trailer and motorcycles, but haul them with an American Truck kit. Kitbash the Datsun into an Iraqi checkpoint crashing party!!
I never really liked the AMT/Ertl kits as a kid, and I doubt that I will be spending any money on a kit I didn’t like 15-20 years ago. Good suggestion, dave. At least the kits may come to some good.
hey i wish the wal-marts where i live are as good as yours all they have are the same old kits.
Been looking for awhile but have yet to see the wonderful price of $4.98 for the kits there yet. But, will keep looking for the ever elusive oldy but goody price.
… shoot, my local Wal-Mart seems bent on making the plastic kit section smaller and smaller … and they keep moving it … last time I checked the Wal-Mart for kits … I had to ask where the plastic model kits were … I was almost sure that they had finally done away with them … with the poor choices they present … they might as well do away with the department. There sure aren’t any AMT kits for $4.98 at my Wal-Mart …[xx(]
I used to get most of my plastic at wal-mart, they had a large selection and decent prices,and usualy an end cap with stuff on sale for a few $$$ off. I also liked when they had the 4 packs of models for $15.00. now its 2 models, one display case and a unassembled diecast 1/64th for $20.00 and I have’nt seen them around for a while.
I like the idea of making the datsun into a gun truck, you can find these trucks all over the news where ever there is trouble in the world.
I found that same '71 Duster at the Wal-Mart in Apopka in two different boxes last year!
One was the “classic reissue” for $4.98, and the other had the EXACT same kit with the new box art for $9.98. Make sense, I think not! Unless they are surplus kits or something, but my neighbor at the time was into the same car and we compared what was in them and they turned out to be identical.
Toys-R-Us sometimes has great blowouts(anybody remember the mis-spelled 3 pack of hot rods?) usually around the holidays.
Other thatn that—WHO KNOWS!!
I live in a heavily populated WalMart area. There are four of them within about a 15 mile radius! Plus a separate Sams store. I don’t know what makes this area so popular, the town really isn’t that large.
Anyways, the model section is small in all of them. The funny thing is, they seem to turn over a lot of kits. I’ve been keeping an eye on the two stores that are most convienent to me for the last 6 or 7 months and even though the selection is small, they move a bunch of them. Especially these Value Kits. There was one that I hadn’t been to for a long time and that was where I found about 20 of the Impala kits. So I got a few…
Meanwhile, all the hobby shops in the area (4) sell these exact same kits for $11 - $14. I don’t think they’re selling many…
cferrero…I know what you mean about it being the same kit, just advertising voodoo I guess. Hopefully one of the stores will get some more of them in, you could do a lot of things with that kit. I haven’t been in Toys-R-Us in ages, I’ll have to check it out.
Michaels has their" forty per cent off" on the first item you buy going until sunday I think. I just got the Revell '70 Dodge Challenger for 10.29 including tax. We have three or four of them around town so you could stock up if you were in the mood.
Those same kits in my Wal-mart just got dropped to $3.75 and the $10 kits like the Polar Lights Ecto-1, Jetsons, and Mystery machine were dropped to $7.
Had to check around the area, and found a ton of kits up in the nosebleed overstock top shelf over the barbies.
Your Wal-mart probably doesn;t stock much styrene because not too many must gt scanned very frequently. The more we buy, the more wal-mart will stock.
I just bought a model from the superstore where I live cost me almost $11 (yes at Wal-Mart)
it’s a '69 Charger
Today I just got an 87 grand national and a BMW 320I at walyworld. Payed about $10 each for them