Waffen-SS Hauptmanscharfuhrer-Artillery Officer in 200mm/1:16

This is a kitbashed figure. I don’t know who made the head, torso and legs. The arms and hands are from Verlinden and the boots are from Tamiya. But at least they’re all the same size. I had to repair the figure’s visor and I did and finished painting it. I think it came out OK.

Nice work on the face and hat Tiger! Great job on repairing the visor. Looking forward to seeing you do the unform, is he going to have the Waffen SS camo?

Hey Gamera. Thanks for the comment. I’m debating on keeping him entirely in his Field Grey uniform or making the trousers in Waffen SS camo. Although I already painted the whole uniform in Field Grey. I guess it’s time to toss a coin. LOL.

Looking good. Thought it was Tom Cruise from Valkyrie but the patch is on the wrong eye.

Hey keavdog, thanks for the chuckle. While checking out some research pics, I saw that German artillery personnel wore red piping (panzer-pink, etc.), so I fixed that. The figure received and overall field grey for the uniform, but I’ve decided on giving him camouflaged trousers. I then painted the shoulder boards, lapel insignias and decorations. I decaled the Merit ribbon and arm eagle and unit armband. The belt and holster were painted with Testors enamel Leather along with the boots. I still have touch ups and tweaking to do, so this definitely a WIP. Then I’ll start on the trousers.

Hello, its Graduation Time of the Year. But I decided to put on the pea pattern camouflage on my figure’s trousers. I feel like it’s not my best work, but it still looks good. I still have to shadow, highlight and weather certain parts, so it’s still a WIP. Any comments and critiques are greatly appreciated.

That looks really good! [Y]

Great job on the face and the camo on the pants came out really well. Happy to see you took the plunge on the camo, more work but it’s worth it for the ‘WOW’ factor!

Hey Gamera, thanks for the comments. Well I decided to keep plunging in to get this figure done. So here it is. I still have to put him on his base, which will require some more tweaking and then he will be completed. Enjoy the pics and I hope to post the completed figure soon.

Whoa! That looks great!!! Fantastic work there!!!

Hope you’re done by now, sorry with all the forum issues I’ve been away from the site.

Well Gamera, I’ve been busy with graduation celebrations and family. But I still intend to put him on a short pedestal and then I can claim that he’s completely finished. Thanks for the comment.


Don’t know why there aren’t more comments, you’ve done a great job here. I wonder if people are away because of all the site’s problems recently.

I’ll echo that statement Cliff.

TigerII: You’ve done a great job with all of the camo, blending and shadow work. This is one area of modeling that I hope to be this good at one day.

Well, thank you mustang, I hope you do make some outstanding figures and models. I’ll be looking forward to seeing them. I’m posting these pics of my WSS Hauptmannscharfuhrer. I put him on a small makeshift pedestal and gave him a decent background pic. Now, I can officially say, he’s done.

That looks fantastic Tiger! Everything looks just right, the pants came out just amazing!

So are you entering him in any shows? I think you’ve got a winner on your hands.

BTW, everyone, I have a correction. This figure is NOT 200mm, it is 120mm. Sorry about that.