Waco CG-4 help

Does anyone out there have any detailed photos or drawings of the towing device/hardware on the top of the Waco CG-4 Glider? I understand the Air Force Museum has a restored glider in their collection. Any assist would be appreciated. Working on a dio involving a C-47 and a Waco. Thanks. - Ed

Here are a couple of pictures, to get you started?


Also found this site with a training manual for the CG4, for $10



If you are building the Italeri model, and I think that’s the only one there is, you will need a copy of the November '05 issue of Scale Aviation Modeller International from sampublications.com, I think it will cost you about USD5. It has a detailed build article on that very model.

The ‘towing gear’ you mention, if it’s on the top right of the cockpit, is actually part of the cockpit lifting gear, which hinged out of the way of the vehicle carried inside. It looks to me like the actual tow cable was attached to the framework inside the windscreen, through a square hole on the centre panel. I’m looking at shots of the front & underside & there are no other points that could obviously be used.

Try to get hold of D Day film, I’ve seen shots from inside gliders & I’m sure I’ve seen the pilot just reach forward to release the towline.

BTW, from the article, I now know it’s pronounced Wahco, not Wayco, we live & learn!

All the best


If you go through the links there are some photos that might help. I am actually going to be back in Ohio in January visting relatives and want to get to the Air Force Musuem at least one day. Let me know and I’ll try to get some shots for you.


I was at the USAFM in Dayton this past summer. They do have a CG-4 but it is hanging in the air. There is no way of seeing any detail on it. Try to find the silent wings musuem on the internet. It is the musuem that was detacated to the pilots and crew of the Waco. It used to be in Terrel Texas until it was moved to I think Lubbuck Texas about 3 years ago.