Since most of my GB’s are of odd subjects and long durations I thought about something more…shall I say normal.

How about a VTOL, STOL, STOVL GB?

Anything that takes-off AND lands in a short distance and is officially considered in one of the categories. There are actually several!

Fieseler Storch
DE Havilland Beaver
DE Havilland Dash 7, if you can find one at a reasonable price.
Piper Cub

Any helicopter

Super-STOL Hercules

An HE-111 with JATO would not work for example, because it’s not short landing.

If there’s enough interest it could possibly start April or later if too soon, especially since most of us are housebound for a while and last a year, short for my GB’s.

Tell me what you think, yes, no, maybe?

It won’t hurt my feelings if it waits for a while.

I’m in

Image shack messed up on me and I can’t get it resolved. If I can get another hosting site, I’m in.

Sweet Nick and Knox.

Knox, Hmmm I’ve never had a problem with Imageshack for 5 years. There are a lot of other hosting sites other members use that work well.

And I have the weird ones, like the VJ-101C, Mirage III/V, Doak VZ4DA… Oh yeah, and the Triebflugels!

Well my goodness G, any of those would work [Y]

Now these be wacky:

I like the Heinkel and Mirage

My VTOL selection could be best described as “Up, up, and awry”. [:P]

Count me in, time frame looks good. I already have a Harrier in the 50 Shades of grey GB, but i know i can find somthing else.

Steve I’m in. Probably an Airfix SHAR FRS.1. 1/72

Bish, Johnny, excelent! [:D]

Myself I have a few helos, couple Harriers and an F-35B (maybe in British markings )

I have a couple of harriers and an osprey in 1/48 that I really want an excuse to dive into. I would be into this build!

Oh I’ve got plenty of things in my stash that would qualify… a Lizzie & Storch, all sorts of ‘copters, OVs and AVs, U-this And L-thats… and this will run for a year. I’m gonna jump in at some point. (was that a pun?)

Hey Steve, going to have to pass on this one, too much on my plate but I did want to stop by and tell you ‘GOOD LUCK!’

And I only have ONE STOL subject- a 1/48th Eduard Westland Lysander.

Jacknewblll, Stick, excelent. [Y]

Gam, thanks. You’re in my other GB’s so yeah, you got a lot on your bench.

Well now, this is good news, it seems to be a popular idea.

I’m in with this

Looking like this

I’ve got a harrier somewhere in my stash…I’m in!

I hope to be able to build something for this as I’ve always liked the odd aircraft and all rotor wings

Not sure just yet, but I have several to choose from.

Just have to get this USS Arizona D-O-N-E on another GB.


John, Justinryan and Ben, welcome.

Ben, now what GB could that be for? [*-)]

OK, guys, I’ll get an official thread and badge up soon. 1st of April sound OK? It may last a year but I’m never concerned about on time completion.