Vietnam War Issue

The issue dedicated to the Vietnam War was excellent, and in keeping with all of the other great ideas that keep showing up in your publication. There was one minor error in the Vietnam timeline. At one point there was a picture of an ONTOS with a caption that described the main guns as being antiaircraft. The M151A1 was an antitank system. I served in the 1st Antitank Bn., !stMarDiv in Vietnam. The guns would not elevate high enough for antiaircraft use. Though if we could have gotten a MIG in the sights while it was taxiing we could have ruined someone’s day.
Keep up the really good work.
Ron Sharetts
Las Vegas, NV

Ha! I’m seeing a mental image of one really surprised MiG pilot whose flight plan has suddenly undergone one huge change…[;)]

(See my comments to another poster who also helped us with this one.)

Boy, you really are a primary source on this topic! Thanks for the correction, Ron.

Thanks for the article on the gun trucks. My brother was in the gun truck business over there. I had never heard of these until he was showing me his pictures a few years back. I’m not an armor modeler, but I’d like to do a gun truck one day for him…