Vietnam Huey color question

I’m building a UH-1E Marine Huey based on HML-167 at MMAF circa 1970. Does anyone know the Testors or Tamiya green color of those aircraft? Also, does anyone have cockpit photos of that era as well? Thanks, I want to make it as accurate as possible.

Can’t help with cockpit photos, but I can with the paint info. [:)]

According to Squadron’s ‘UH-1 Huey Gunships Walk Around’ book, USMC UH-1E’s were finished in overall Field Green, FS34097. The Testors/Model Master stock # for FS34079 is 1116, while the Tamiya match is XF-58.


Cockpit would be similar to the C model but there where differences

Thanks guys for the info. Went to the hobby store and bought that Field Green today. Just about completed my CH-46E, pics pics are inbound shortly!