Hi all
I have seen the Hasegawa F/A-18F offering with these markings and it is awesome, just a little too pricey for my hobby budget right now. Is there a way I can build this from a less expensive kit of the F/A-18F and aftermarket decals?
Hi all
I have seen the Hasegawa F/A-18F offering with these markings and it is awesome, just a little too pricey for my hobby budget right now. Is there a way I can build this from a less expensive kit of the F/A-18F and aftermarket decals?
Of course. The monogram -F is readily availible. I think it was aeromaster??? or maybe superscale?? that did come out with the same markings. The monogram kit is a bit better in some ways: weapons and cockpit, but it has that typical poor monogram fit. It’s not that bad, I’ve seen one built, it’s good for $20. I speak in 48 scale( should have posted a scale[:D]). I know not what is there for 72[X-)]
…uhhh the Monogram -F kit does not exist on the market yet. Their E kit does however and someday we should have the F kit from Monogram.
I almost shudder to suggest this, but Iteleri does make a -F kit. Lots of innacuracies.
My advice is to wait for the Monogram -F kit (maybe in 2007?) or save your pennies for the excellent but expensive Hasegawa kit.
Thanks for the info. What exactly are the inaccuracies of the Italeria kit?
I’m not an expert on the Iterleri kit, as I have not owned one. However I have read several other reviews of it. I believe the problems are with fit and accuracy. The kit was designed before the Superhornet was operational, so it leaves out several updates to the airframe. I believe one of it’s innacuracies is the top central fusalage airbrake.
However, I have seen several excellent builds of this kit also- so it is possible to make a real gem out out of it if you have some references and can make the corrections. It is a viable option.
Still I would reccomend waiting for the Mongoram kit or saving up for the Hasegawa kit.
arrrrugghhh! I do stand corrected. The -f varient is not out as I mistakenly eluded to earlier. My appoligies for that. I have the hasagawa -F and it is a good kit from looking at it. I have not seen a finished -F, but I did see the -E by monogram finished. ( damn doctors, changed my meds again[%-)]) I am looking forward to their new release later on.
well i guess you are going the 1/48 route. but thier is another way you can go 1/72 and a whole lot cheaper by the way, i have 2 of the 1/72 kits i am working on now and they are excellent kits too. as for decals for vfa 103 look at hobbydecal these are rub on decals and not the water type and you get both scales 48 and 72 on the sheet. i still have the 103 bird to do on my list but it wont be in 1/48 just cant affford the big kits