i need to build a door and widow frames exc… for the building. what kind of wood should i use and how should i weather it? i also want to know what to use to make that rubble all over the ground. thanks
You can use balsa wood for framing…available at just about any craft store. I use a product called Weather-it to give it a “used” look. I don’t know about availability on that product anymore though…I bought it many a year ago. Rubble can be created quite easily by breaking up a brick, gyprock, or even using big pieces of kitty litter.
thanks dude, u helped me with all my questions so far. i have seen weather all at my hobby store. oh ya what is gycote.[B)][:0][:(!][8][}:)][:D][8D][;)]
gyprock not gycote…drywall…the stuff most walls are made of these days.
oh ok. thanks.
You can also make rubble by simply pouring a thin layer of plaster into a shallow box (or something similiar) Simply break it apart to the sizes you want and then you have instant rubble…