Verlinden 120mm USAF Crewman

Here is Verlinden’s resin figure finished up tonight. I used Vallejo and Citadel acrylic paints. The base is dense foam with a stain coat sprinkled with some Woodland Scenics shrubbery and white glue.

All comments and suggestions welcome!
Regards, Dan

Figure looks great. Especially the leather. Gotta be honest though about the WS shrubbery. I’m not a huge fan of it for figures, though it doesn’t look horrible in the pic. Simple and to the point. The thing is, it usually looks exactly like what it is when used around figures, so I stay away from it. I’m not a fan of it in dioramas either. You can’t lose with static grass, and if that’s too small, there’s always unravelled hemp rope. You can trim it to whatever length you want.

Also, I would consider shooting for a larger chunk of material for your base as well. Something you can hold on to and also mount a plaque. Both Bill Horan and Shepard Paine stress, in their respective books on building and painting figures, that people should spend as much effort on their bases as they do on their figures. To tell the truth though, I still have a ways to go there myself, so take my critique regarding the base with due grain of salt. [;)]

Awesome figure. I agree about the base, I would make it bigger and put a plaque on it. The figure is so beautifully done, it needs that extra to make it perfect.

Do you also do a whole colour wash on it before painting?

Great work on the figure![tup]

As my esteened colleagues have said the base is not appropriate for this masterpiece. IMHO the size of the base is fine but the flocks just look fake. As plymonkey said, static grass is the best choice.

[That’s the scond time I have the same opinion as you do plymonkey; great minds think alike [;)]]

Your wonderful work here looks surprisingly like mine, and Im very happy with how myleather came out. problem is, about two moves ago, I lost the hands and feet before he was done! GRRRRRRR!!!

Glad yours came out so well! :slight_smile:

Yeah, could use a bigger base, I got a nice round chunk of wood from the homestore made to be a newel post or something and stained it up, moving the figure up about two and a half inches off the table.

Great work!!!

Thank you all for the kind comments. I’m new to doing these large figures and didnt really think about the base and shrubs…will take the advise though!

Regards, Dan