I just received the Vallejo Model Air Panzer pack. I was trying to spray some of the panzer dark yellow on a junker that I had primed with flat black. Almost as soon as the paint hit the model it began to run. Backing the airbrush away did not seem to help either. I had the same problem with dark yellow from Lifecolor. Is it particular to this color? I dont want to have to keep painting my German armor gray all of the time!!
I am using the Vallejo unthinned and it sprays well except for the runs in the dark yellow. The other colors spray great and dry dead flat.
Hi! I was wondering what type of paint that you had primed your Junkers with? I’m no expert but since Vallejo colors are acrylic you do not want to spray acrylic paint on top of Enamel paints if this is the case. Good luck! Waffensoldier
I primed with Model Master flat black. I have never had a problem doing it with acrylics before and with any other colors. The flat black has always given the acrylic something to bite on.
Just as a precaution you may want to spray a small amount of the Vallejo Dark Yellow on a scrap piece of plastic that doesn’t have any basecoat. If the paint still runs then that particular bottle is defective. If it works out fine then your basecoat is the problem on your Junkers aircraft. Waffensoldier
hey! I am a true blue believer in Vallejo paints and it is 80% of what I spray with now. As long as you gave the enamel time to thoroughly dry first, you should be able to paint over it with acrylic. I use Krylon white enamel primer from Wal Mart on most things I prime for Vallejo, and it works great. Usually 24 to 48 hrs, leaning more to the 48 hours is time enough to be able to spray over it.
Second, what are you thinning with? Vallejo’s thinner or just plain distilled water? I’ve used both and prefer Vallejo’s thinner. It has an adhesion additive and a retarder in it… My suggestion would be to not thin that one color and try spraying it like that. You didn’t mention if it was Model Color or Model Air you were spraying. That would make a difference too. (Model Air you don’t need to thin) … but it sounds like either not enough pigment and adhesive were mixed in with the paint (try mixing it longer) or it was too thin.
Hope this helps! Let us know how it works out!
I just reread your original question and see it was being sprayed unthinned. Try giving it an extra long mixing and see if that helps. I haven’t sprayed the dunkelgelb in vallejo yet, only sand yellow and middlestone along those shades. It could just be a bad bottle or not thoroughly mixed. I’ve noticed on a few colors (especially if they have lay dormant for awhile) if I don’t really mix them good I end up with a very thin paint…
Ya it is Model Air. I shook the crap out of the container and tried again. It worked ok so I guess that was my problem. One thing I noticed is that that particular color is a pain in the Vallejo or Lifecolor as well. I sampled all of the other colors and they give great coverage. I just tried my hand at some detailed camo with it and it does great. (I just picked up an Iwata Revolution gravity fed). I have been using a bad copy of a look a like for something that I picked up at Harbor Freight real cheap-I can see why.
Thanks to everybody for the responses
Great! Glad it worked out, and I’m glad for the heads up because I am about to order some german Panzer colors which the dunkelgelb is one of them… I love the Vallejo line as far as acrylics go… I wish they were more available locally but that’s ok. Do you buy yours online or from the LHS? Most of my aircraft colors I order from www.greatmodels.com, they carry the “Color of Eagles” brand of Vallejo made paints. Everything Allied and German for WWII aircraft. But I will go Model Air for the armor or japanese colors.
I ordered mine from Colorado Miniatures. They shipped the same day I ordered and I had them within three days. They have the panzer pack for 14.95 plus shipping-was less than 19 bucks total. I did not see any of the aircraft colors but they do have all of the armor. My LHS only carries Model Master enamel and very few Tamiya. I used the dunkelgelb over a coat of Tamiya flat black yesterday. It came out great with some really great pre shading effects. Almost looks as though the dunkelgelb has worn in areas and the dark base is showing through.
cool, I’ll have to check out that Panzer pack. I am in the middle of a Tiger II and would have enjoyed using Vallejo over enamel a lot more! Thanks!