V cool acquisition- Eduard skeleton kit

…ever loved the wood 1/8 scale Hasegawa museum ‘skeleton’ models of WWI fighters, but couldn’t afford the $800 to buy one?

Wanering through a LHS today, I found that Eduard has a similar series, BUT in 1/72, AND in photoetch. $25. Carefully super glue everything together and you have an exquisite ‘strip down’ kit. But boy, your hand/eye coordination has to be spot on. The box art photos looked so sharp. Couldn’t resist- bought the Sopwith Camel. All my other aircraft are normal 1/72, so this will be a unique addition.

I’ve seen a couple of them built up & they are impressive. A lot of work, but worth the effort if you have the eye sight & coordination to build them properly. I don’t [:(].

Regards, Rick

Nice one, mate! I’ve seen pics of Eduard’s skeleton Feiseler Storch in 1/72, but I’ve never seen the Camel. Sounds like a good score!
As I recall, the builder said that bending many of the parts wasn’t as easy as he wanted it to be, so you might think about getting a Hold Fold ( see http://www.thesmallshop.com/ ) - it looks like a tool that you’re going to really need - and once you buy it, you’ve got it forever.
When you begin building, make sure you post pics - I’d love to see it.
Good luck, mate!

I’ll second the “hold ‘n’ fold” necessity for these kits. A friend of mine started one of these kits and he wouldn’t have been able to get as far as he did without one.

Thanks definitely for that tip on Hold Fold, I’ll pick one up. I have to finish up a couple of cars before I start on this.Today I also bought a very fine set of assorted needle files, I thought they might come in handy for this kit.

Actually, you’ll be better off with a sanding stick. The PE has a tendency to jamb and crimp with files.