using waldron instruments

hello, i have been working on the new trumpeter 1/24 p-51, i just purchased the walrdon instruments for my cockpit, is there a special way to use them ? or could i just glue them on with CA glue ? or is there other ways ? regardless i think these instrumets look remarkable, i just hope they work as good as they look when they go on, hopefully u guys and gals could help me out here
thanks alot
jeff owens[:D]

After I punch them out I use white glue . I take a toothpick and just apply a very small amount on the back of the instrument. After I get them all in place I let it dry for at least 12 hours and then apply crystal clear over to sumulate glass. It has always worked for me.

berny13 what is crystal clear, where can I get it and how do I use it?

The official name is Microscale Micro Kristal Klear. It is nothing more than a thick Elmers glue in a one ounce bottle selling for twice the price. It dries clear and when dry it looks like glass. Stick with Elmers. It does the same thing and cost less.

I would not use CA glue. It will fog the instruments just like a canopy. Berny13 is correct, white glue is the way to go. I do as Waldron suggests by drilling a small hole all the way thru the panel. This allows the excess glue to flow out the back, not on the instrument. Make sure that you use the punch set to remove the instruments. Otherwise they will not look good.



Jeff, you did get the punch I hope. The best way to cut out the dials is with the waldron punch set. I’ve found that punch is good for a lot of other applications too. As an example I used it to punch out thin plastic to make butterfly valves for the mufflers on my PT Boat project… oh… this is the aircraft section isn’t it! [:)]

A question to to the group though. Has anyone tried to use… dare I say it… Future to simulate dial covers?



Are you refering to instrument glass? If so, I have used future for this with ok results.


One word of caution. I put a drop of Future on my instrument faces, over the white glue. I thought it would give it a better look. The over all effect was like milk. Even after it set for several days it looked like milk. Had to carefully remove all Future and white glue from the instrument faces and re do. That time I left the Future off and just used white glue.

Doesn’t white glue dry a little cloudy? I’ve not used it to simulate glass, but looking at the blobs of dried glue (they’re only translucent) around the bottle’s nozzle gives me the impression the item behind, or dials in this case, won’t be too visible.

Wow, my first post.



You would not want to put any glue on the face of the instrument. Waldron instruments have a gloss coat on them that does not require anything else to be put on them. White glue will give it a cloudy appearence.


I have never had any problem, except for that one time I put Future over it. I use a small amount and a tooth pick to apply the glue. Do not put too much so as to cause a dome or bubble. You want it to be level or slightly concave. When it dries it has the look of glass. Don"t apply a second time as it will cause it to frost up. Applying too much will also cause it to frost up.

Right, will try it out next time I work with Waldron instruments. That’ll probably be the Spitfire that’s been waiting ages for me to get round to it!!
