Using clay for soft edge camo masking

So I’m trying out the clay technique for camo masking, but my edges are still a little to soft. To many little specs still, you know? Should my “snake” be of a smaller diameter? Or should I try to press the clay to the model a little firmer? It looks like if I can work out the bugs this will be a great method for masking camo.


It doesn’t have to be pressed on firmer as much as flatter. If the edge is soft there is some underspray occuring because of the radius of the edge of the putty or clay. The thinner the thickness of the putty, the less radius the sharper the line. Once nice and flat then press it onto the surface, but just enough that good contact is made. Sort of a difference between laying a cylinder down on a flat surface and a piece of flat stock. If you are perpendicular or 90 degrees from the point of contact which would give you the sharper line?


What kind of clay do you use for this kind of masking? This sounds like a great technique - I would like to try it myself.


Silly putty works great. There was a recent article about its use in FSM this month.
