At my local hobby shop I was recently told that Revell Germany was going to be releasing 3 new 1:72 scale U-boats,
Soviet Oscar Class sub
U.S. WWII Swordfish
German IX C with Snorkel
One Of them I think the Oscar is to meassure 52" Long!!!
The USN WWII Fleet submarine has been confirmed by a VP at Revell. It is due in the third quarter of 2006. The MSRP will be just shy of 100 bucks American. The subject is likely to be the USS Cobia - a museum ship in Manitowoc, WI - not too far from the Revell headquarters in Illinois. This model will be about 53 inches long.
There have been photos released of a Revell project of a Type VIIC/41 U-boat, not a Type IX. The photos are of the museum sub at Laboe, Germany (U-995). That sub was a later-war version of the Type VII already on the market. It has a schnorkel.
Yours is the first rumor to circulate about an Oscar. An Oscar is 143 meters long - so a 1:72 scale model of it will be 1.9 meters or 78 inches long. Personally I don’t put too much stock in this rumor. I think the Fleet sub sill be a huge seller - but that a 6+ foot long non-descript Russian sub, even one with a history, would have interest mostly with the RC crowd and not cross over to the general modeling community