uncle joe's namesake...

guys hi,[:)]
i see tamiya do a joseph stalin 3 tank in 1/35, and the kit looks pretty cool but i gather there is some debate as to whether they actually saw combat in WWII (as opposed to the victory parades immediately afterwards).
can anyone clarify?[8)]
if the answer is that they did not, can someone direct me to a good 1/35 kit of the JS 1 or JS 2?[?][:)]
i am based in the UK but www.hannants.co.uk - which is a great all-round supplier by the way [:)]and ship everywhere - don’t have either of these 2 on their books[V], so a supplier that ships to the UK would be appreciated.[:D]
thanks in advance…

Try Hobbylink Japan.


Gip Winecoff

Dragon make a IS 1 and two versions of the IS 2, the Tamiya IS 3 were meant to have been moved to the Chinese border in case the Japanese were to be invaded
where in the UK are you based? there must be a shop that stocks Dragon near you?
you could try ED Models in Shirly Solihull

Just did the Dragon IS-2. (just have to paint it) It was a nice kit, textured hull and turret, individual link tracks, deep cut detail in all the parts, everything fit great, it went smooth.

Try these guys, they’re on your side of the pond:

These will ship to the Uk:

Good luck

hey guys thanks for your help.

[;)]styrene: i checked out hlj and they do indeed have a version of the JS2 which they will ship to me…

[V]caveman: thanks for the info about ED models bu they don’t have a website!!! duh! i’m in london so usually use hannants but they don’t seem to have it…

[:)]build22 hey, thanks for the suggestions: i checked out luckymodel and they do’t have it (their search engine is sooo crap compared to www.hannants.co.uk ![:(!])…i also looked at netmodels and they don’t have it but i did find the dragon firefly when i couldn’t find that anywhere else either so thanks![^]
hope the IS2 goes well…what decals are supplied and when/where is it meant to have been based?
can you post your finished pics on this site??

cheers all

Howdy, Nick![:)]

If you want to give 1/76 scale armor a shot, you can do no better than Fujimi’s JS-II. It’s an amazing kit, with beautifully sagging link-and length tracks, and fine detail all around, as good as any 1/35 scale kit.

Check it out![:D]

No problem, mayhem.

It may be a little bit before I finish it. Tough to find time.
But I just happened across this. Look in the gallery under armor:


Good luck

hey guys,
[:)]thanks j-hulk but 1/76 is not my bag…i shake too much for kits that small!!![:0][:)]
build22 thanks for that link…it looks a monster doesn’t it!!![8D]
that model uses metal tracks by the look of it right?
have you guys ever used them? are they a pain to make? and how do they compare to the likes of dragon’s individual plastic-glued track links? are they even more of a pain to make!!![V] they do seem to look better tho…[:)]
speak soon…

The cost is a killer. You should be able to get that look out of the individual links.

Good luck

Well, you pays your money and you takes your choice …

How much “limited action”? Who can say? But the split glacis on the Shchuka (Pike) is unmistakable! It simply looks MEAN!

hey tomz2, [:)]
many thanks for that![:)] guess i’ll hunt for a js1 or 2…[V]
take care,