uncertain sherman

Can anyone give me a detailed description on Tamiya´s 75mm Howitzer Sherman[?] I’ve never done tanks before and I was recommended to get this one by someone who told me it was easy to build.

Decent kit that is an updated version of their original M4A3. Real easy builds. Only real problem is the hull sponsons. This is the area under the hull but over the tracks. These are open and if you look though the turret hatches, you can see the tops of the tracks. Archer Fine Transfers website has a free downloadable template to make the sponson bottoms out of a couple of pieces of styrene.

Have fun with it!

theTamiya IS 3 is a nice easy build

I would recomend it as a beginners kit. actually I have built it twice.

Well I might pick that kit also because I am afraid to start my 399 piece Sherman Firefly Vc from DML.


Fireinsignia welcome to our little family. You have chosen wisely as we are treadheads by nature. I started on airplanes and ships and found my calling in armor. Hopefully you too will see what makes most of tick. Tamiya’s Sherman is a good choice as are many of their kits, especially their later releases. I think that kit would be a good starter. When you really feel the fever, try their late model Tiger I. The Tiger II is also a good first choice, but the cammo my overwhelm you. Have fun with it!

Same here… I started with my first model being the USS Forstal… did a few ships, didnt really intrest me that much, moved on to F14, F15, F4, P51, P38 didnt really intrest me that much, then came the Sherman… Loved it… and I have been with armor ever since and figures come with that catagory and I love doing figures too… though I just recently got ok at faces… also you might try a panther kit. or the T34-85 with the infantry… They are pretty easy. Good Luck and hope you stick around with us “Treadheads”[8D]

I agree with this being an excellent kit to cut your armour teeth on. Like Major Rob has already mentioned, the sponsons do need a little attention but it is a fairly easy fix. Just one thing to add though, you ask about the 75mm Howitzer. The Tamiya Sherman Howitzer is a 105mm, while the Tamiya M4A3 Sherman is a 75mm gun. Both kits are based on the same Sherman variant, just 2 different pieces of armament.

Thanks to shermanfreak for correcting my 105mm Howitzer/75mm gun mix-up.
This one´s for Major Rob:
Can you please specify where in http://www.archerfinetransfers.com is the info you gave me? Thanks to all for the facts!

If you look on the main page of Archer Fine Transfers on the left hand side of the screen there’s a section called “Something Free For Shermanaholics”. That’s where the template is.



My first kit was the M4a3 Sherman (Late Production) by Tamiya. I built it about 6 months ago. Really easy and a joy to build. Came out looking great. If you wanna do a sherman for a first kit, try this one…

Tell it to the Marines…

Any of the five Tamiya Shermans are great beginner kits. They all share many parts and are basically the same kits with one turret different (Jumbo) and one upper hull different (M4 Early). Some have figures and new road wheels added, but still contain the original parts as well. Only one that’s not that great is their old motorized M4A3E8, but I built it for my son as a carpet crawler. Ones I have:
35122 M4A3 w/75mm (Late)
35139 M4A3E2 Jumbo (exact same kit as above with new turret and add on armor plates)
35190 M4 Early (3-piece tranny cover, new turret, upper hull, and tracks)
35250 M4A3 w/75mm (reworked turret, new road wheels)
35251 M4A3 w/105mm howitzer (reworked turret and howizter specific fittings)

Thanks and tanks to all! I might get Mr. Sherman today![:I][8)][:)][8D][;)][^][:D]

P.S.: No need to worry! Sherman´s no longer uncertain! Tanks again![:D]