Unbuilt HUGE 1/72 Scale C-5A Vac Kit Sought

Dear Folks,

I’m looking for a reliable domestic (USA) source for the HUGE 1/72 scale vacuform model of the C-5A Galaxy. This kit builds out to a 28+ inch fuselage length.

The kit is advertised for sale by “the manufacturer” Delta Aviation Publishing, UK, on their website:


But, when I ordered the kit last October, and paid $180.00 USA for it by credit card, I received nothing but excuses for my money! Eventually, after several weeks, many phone calls and Emails, I had to have my bank rescind the credit card transaction to recoup my money.

The proprietor of Delta Aviation Publishing assured me “Your kit was shipped.”, though he would not provide specifics such as shipping date, air carrier, etc., and it has NEVER arrived over the intervening many months. I can only leave the reader to draw his own conclusions about the matter.

Still, if this kit really exists, I would love to build it, since I flew on C-5A’s in the United States Air Force.

Anyone with a lead on an existing kit, from a credible source is invited to contact me at my Email address: dergrossekreuzritter@yahoo.com

