I have an unboxed, but still largely in the original bags, 1/48 scale kit of a UH-60. There are no decals and no instructions. There are no identification marks on the sprues or the parts except:
“Copyright 1985 A.T.”
Anyone have any idea who the manufacturer might be?
I’ll be home tomorrow and will check my stash, but would guess it is the first Academy/Minicraft Kits. Are the M-60’s really “funky” looking and it probably has the early exhaust, just the flared can.
Yes, the M-60’ s look like something strange happened to an AK-47.…
Hmm, I wonder if the kit is complete…can’t find anything that looks like a flared can, or an exhaust stack…
I’m pretty sure it’s the first Academy/Minicraft UH-60A. All the fuselage have the Copywrite 1985 A.T. on the inside, even the later kits. The “can” I was talking about is really just the tear dropped scalopped exhaust area aft of the engines. Should have one piece that goes across the top to form them for each engine. The kit # on the box is 1612. I don’t have a scanner that works but could “snail” mail you a copy of the Instructions if you want. Just E-mail me your Address.
Before you go to that much trouble: how many sprues are there in the kit? After looking again, last night, I suspect something is missing. If that’s so, it will just go into my parts box—and I’ll be forced to buy a new kit…just forced… [(-D]
My “A” model has 5 sprue sections counting the clear but the rotor blade and floor ,roof sections are joined together to make one big one so maybe 6. It’s molded in gray. The others are molded in OD. The MH-60K kit # 2153 is the best deal if you have to buy another one. It has some great new M-60’s in addition to the crappy ones, mini-guns, .50 cal, ammo bins, internal fuel cells, upswept ESS wings, current HIRSS exhaust, extra horizontal stabilizer, refueling prob, external fuel cells, full complement of seats, covers for the ESS mounts, Flir pod, nose radar(two kinds). The works to make any variant you want to. They are usually the same price too.
Mel, it looks like this goes into the parts box. I’ve got two large trees and too small ones. It cost me nothing, so I’m still ahead—parts is parts.
I assume your recommendation is for an Academy kit?
Thanks a bunch! You’ve been a great help!
From what I remember the Revell kits were Academy/Minicraft reboxed. I never bought any Black Hawk Italeri Kits, I know their Hueys in 1/48 aren’t the best. I think they make the only Sea Hawk so I’ll probably pick one up one of these days. In 1/48 you can’t go wrong with the MH-60K kit by Academy/Minicraft.