Dear Friends,
I have built 1/48 U-2 Spy Plane. Since it is black in color, I am stuck with how to do the weathering and other detailing. Can some one help me ?
Thanking you in advance.
Dear Friends,
I have built 1/48 U-2 Spy Plane. Since it is black in color, I am stuck with how to do the weathering and other detailing. Can some one help me ?
Thanking you in advance.
To the best of my knowledge, these planes are VERY well cared for. So I’m not sure how much weathering you can actually do. One thing you can do is paint it “scale black” which is black cut with some white. This will lower the intensity of the black and make it look a little faded.
The other thing you can do is highlight the panel lines with a pencil if your kit has raised panel lines. There might be some scuffs around the canopy where the pilot steps in and out. Check out U-2 in Action by Squadron or U-2R/TR-1 by Aerofax.[:)]
I lightly weathered mine with gunship grey from Testors. Mostly around panel lines on the top. Dry brushing worked good for me. Is this the Testors kit?
The Air Force flew a bunch of ADC gray U-2s in the 1960s, particularly during Vietnam. I wonder why nobody models them. The only model of one I ever saw was many years ago in FSM, where someone showed how to add “ram’s horn” antennae to a U-2. And then there are the cool-looking NM over black U-2s. Hmm. Wish there was a decent kit of the pre-TR-1/U-2R birds, the “short-nose” marks.
Sharkskin, I did a model of a U-2A a few years in ADC gray. It was 66953 of the 4080 SRW. I can’t upload a pic 'cause I don’t have a digital camera and I wouldn’t know how anyway so you’ll just have to take my word for it!
Hey, half the people on this site think I don’t do anything but make grand pronouncements about models, but have never actually built one, lacking, as I do, the technology to prove it. I used to give newspaper photogs $25 to shoot my models when I freelanced for a model magazine I’m now ashamed to admit and another Brit one. I made the model and wrote. The photog shot. Life was easy. Now if I want to show off a model I need this thing called a digital camera or a scanner or Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine. Boy do I hate technology. Unless its attached to something that flies.
Not terribly long ago the famous Brit model magazine had a whole bunch of nice profiles of every U-2 scheme the Freedom of Information Act will allow us to see. I’m glad I kept it. I’m still waiting for the model, though. I remember when this Testor’s kit was sold by Hawk with a bogus chrome plating all over every single part. Came out about six months after the F.G. Powers incident, I think.
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for your reply.
While doing more research online I came across this site, lot of information on U-2 !!
My kit is Italary Senior Span. I guess for weathering, I will do as you guys suggested to do panel lines with pencil and gunship gray dry brushing …
Thanking you all again …