Two Recent Builds.. Well sort of finished!!

Hello There

Here are two of the recent builds i have nearly completed!

1/35 Academy AH-1 Super Cobra, with homemade stencilles and a two tone desert cam paint job.

1/35 Dragon AH-6J Littlebird

Thanks For Looking Hopefully in the near future the cobra will go alongside one of the three M1A1HA Abrams in a dio.

And the Littlebird will also go in a dio with a 1/35 Academy M/AH-60L Blackhawk with a couple of boxes of delta figures.

Thanks Again


Looking good. I like the paint job on the AH-1W. Can’t wait to see the other helos and Abrams, maybe a Marine UH-1N in there as well. [;)]

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Gino

Its been a while since i have posted pisc a i havent had a camea for a while.

Sure will be a UH-1N in there aswell MATE[;)]

Thanks Again


[:D]Robert great builds,nice paint jobs.[:D]

You’ve got a couple of great looking helos there. That’s a really nice desert two tone scheme you’ve done on the Cobra. Are the rotor blade tie downs scratch-built or can you get them online?

I’ll be looking forward eagerly to your dios and other builds. Great job, thanks for sharing them with us.

Great job. On the desert paint job did you create a stencil or just freehand it? Nice.

Thamks for the kind words roy, and lemmon thanks aswell as for the tie downs they are scratched from maskingtape with fuse wire used to create small loops anr hooks.

Unknownpharoah, thanks for the kind words also and as for the paint job the camo was done free hand and the markings were done by homemade stencilles.

Thanks for looking guys and cya’s


P.S Going away working for a week so untill then stay safe!!

real nice work and i love the tie downs