TWO Kits Finished in One YEAR!! WooHoo!!

Holy cow! I finished the Revell-Germany MAN 5T Mil GL over the weekend! That’s two kits finished this year!!

Revell-Germany MAN 5T Mil GL Truck

I just started the Takom M9 ACE. Could I really finishe 3 in a year?! Scandalous!! [proplr]


(And more photos, please…that MAN looks awesome!)

As a very slow builder myself, I completely understand your elation at getting two kits done in one year. Congrats!! [blns]

And I agree with other Greg, your model looks great. [Y]

Keep ‘em comin’!

Awsome I always tell myself it’s quality not quantity and at that rate I’ll have my stash finished by the time I’m 105 if I don’t buy any more.

Thanks guys! Here are a few more pics. I tried something new on this one. I did the hairspray chipping technique. I’ve never done that before. I think it turned out OK for my first time…

What scale is that? Looks good. I’m about to try the hairspray thing myself. Crazy how lighting totally changes the color. Neat subject.

Yeah, I don’t have a professional lighting setup. Hell, I was doing well to steal a piece of blue poster board from my wife for the background! [:D]

Must be pretty big being 1/35. Ya all my pics are my cluttered bench with a phone so you’re ahead of me !

I use my iPhone on a small, adjustable tripod. The posterboard is sitting on my work table in front of a stack of various boxes. I just need a decent overhead light.

Nice work. Cool looking truck.

Also a slow builder. Many things to do.

T e d

Thanks! This is only the second white model I’ve ever done. It’s soooooo unforgiving in my opinion. The slightest flaw is amplified!

Looks great to me. Love the chipping and wear.

And heck, you’ve way ahead of me. I used to finish about ten models a year and over the last couple I’ve been lucky to get one done.


It was my first time doing that. I was kinda worried I got a little heavy-handed with it.