TV Series Farscape

hi in the uk we have a superb series called farscape anyone know if any models are produced of this series cheers ian [8D]

We have the same series here in the states. Sadly, the last ever episode airs next Friday. I know of one kit someone made as a garage kit of Moya. It went for $80.00 US dollars or so. It was a really excellent looking kit when finished properly. I’ll try to find the web/email address and post it here.

hi , i know about that resin kit, i missed it by 5 minutes at our uk ipms nationals last year he sold the last one and didn’t know if any more were to be produced , something about them not being liscenced or to do with copyrite , keep looking cheers ian

That kit of Moya was produced by a chap called Chris Doll who frequents the Starship Modeler forums. You used to be able to purchase it from Federation models but it seems to have disappeared from their inventory.

I alerted Chris Doll of your interest. He was concerned about the legalities of selling in the UK of this product. he may (if he has not already) contact you direct.

Starscape Models (Chris, I assume) has received a cease-and-desist order from the producers of Farscape. The Moya model is no longer legally available.

I just watched Season1 again last night.

GREAT series…I have seen one resin Moya and thats about it. That was some time ago, and definitely unlicensed. I think the one I saw was a diferent kit than the one that Chris did…

Something tells me that this thread dates from 2003. But the Moya kit is still available in the UK from Comet.


wierd! and it showed up in the forums like it was recent. Odd. At least a Moya is still out there, …

Its been doing that alot lately. I keep seeing these posts from kirktrekmodeller and wondering when he got back here.