Tupolev R-6 Air Cruiser...Ready to Paint...

Well after 4 months, about 110 hours, I have finished this 16" strange Russian Patrol Aircraft of
the 1930’s. This is a built up model using wood and card and wood on the floats. Should be painting it this week and adding machineguns, propellers, windshields and torpedo.

Looking great. We don’t see a lot of wood medium here. I can’t wait to see it come together.

That thing sure looks like a twin-engined float-plane version of the ICM TB-3 I have been wrestling with for the last month and a half.Despite the scratch-built construction I bet it was easier to build than the the monster kit i am building.great work!

Thanks guys:…It has been an interesting long build but worth it, the final subject should look nice over some “Water” stand.
Philo426… you are right the R6 was a twin engine cousin of the TB-3. Basically the same design. All this group of Tupelovs look alike…Have you seen pics of the TB-3 with paratroopers crawling all over the wings???..[8D]

Looks pretty nice. You must have a lot of good reference books and materials.

An interesting subject and a great looking build so far. Keep posting you progress.