Trying to create a stash

Im trying to create a stash, I need some suggestions for World War II armor and infantry kits, mainly 1944. Im mostly interested in the Italian campaign. I have to create a stash cause football starting up soon and I wont have time to build much if even at all.

There’s a lot of possibilities out there for Italy 1944…are you interested in Allied only, Axis only, or both? Virtually all of the gear that was in service on both sides in 1944 saw action in Italy since it was a major theater of war right up until the armistice in 1945.

It’s easily done - for evey model you complete, make sure you buy at least two! So far this year, I’ve completed 20 models, and bought or otherwise acquired 29, with two more scheduled to arrive today! Net growth in stash of 9 kits, from 518 to 527.

As to subjects, try looking at pictures of military subjects in Italy in 1944, and note waht equipment is being used. Then come back here and ask advice as to which kits of these subjects to go for, and which to avoid.



If you’re not going to have time to build, I’d wait until the prices maybe some down a bit to acquire a stash. Plastic and shipping are at all-time highs, and yo’d be better off to just wait if you’re not going to have a lot of time.

Hello, I have quite a stash of unbuilt kits mostly Tamiya and Italeri, but with all the new kits from Dragon, these will remain unbuilt for the most part. I have also taken an interest in Radio Controlled tanks mostly from Heng Long, Matorro, and Trumpeter ( all 1/16 scale ). Though not quite up to Tamiya or Dragon standards they fit the bill for me, at the moment. My stash is rather large, and I am trying to deplete it. Any suggestions?


making a stash is easy hiding it from ya missus isnt[B)]

Yes, I’ll give you my mailing address !!

Someone got it right: Buy more than you build.

With a dedicated theme it becomes more of a problem, since you limit yourself to the market whims, as doog suggests. What that means is that if you can only buy 1944 Italian Campaign armor, then you are forced to pay whatever is asked for it. Wait until the price comes down? I wouldn’t bank on that.

Nor would I call it “seasonal,” to be pursued only between halftimes. Stash building is on-going, a never ending process. What they like to call a “work in progress” these days. Dedicated stashers never turn off their radar and are ready to home in on any deal, at any time.

Take me, for example. I am eclectic and will buy any kit that comes my way if the price is right. I hungrily snatch up everything from monster truck kits to scale siege machines, aircraft to armor of any age. All gotten at a bargain price, I might add. I take whatever old kit is left in someones closet, too. The best part of this? When a “must have kit” comes along, I’m more inclined to get it, since I have money left in the stash building budget.

And suppose I never build them all? Well, so what?! Ill die happy, atop a heap of plastic. And isn’t that the goal of all avarice?

My advice, TL?


The reasons:

  1. space
  2. detracts you from finishing ongoing projects
  3. it won’t stop
  4. cash in hand is better than sitting in a Tamiya box at the back of your closet

I’ve been up to hundreds of kits and finally realized that my “collecting” has very little meaning to me. I’ve shed about 80% of those kits (including rare and hard to find resin kits) because if I’m honest with myself, I won’t REALLY be that bad off if I don’t build that Precision Models 17cm German morser that I got for $50 in a real good deal one day.

It’s actually pretty liberating to declare you don’t need the kits. I’m pretty immune from even the desire to get the “latest and greatest” because I figure if I REALLY WANT TO START that project, I can go out and get it. I’m dedicated to finishing many ongoing projects. Why store styrene?

Stashing away reference – now that’s another story…


One of the wisest things I’ve heard said here in a looong time! It makes perfect sense!

Spot on about the reference material too! That’s MY weakness for sure!

Well, in principle I agree with Roy, UNLESS you plan on actually building (and really meaning it!) all of the kits you buy. If you’re going to truly build what you buy, then it does make sense to have a stash that you’re stocking at below (sometimes faaaaaar below) retail rates, picking up kits that are on sale/clearance/auction along the way. I’d much rather pay $22 for a kit 8 months ahead of time than $45 the day of. Simple math! There’s no way to earn a return on your money at that rate for that period.

Of course, if you don’t have the money to spare in the first place - i.e., Roy line 4! - then a stash probably shouldn’t be the first thing on your “spend” list. [;)]

buy as you finish so that way you are building a kit you like and are interested in all the way!

I’m sort of lost as to the point of this thread. If you don’t have time to build, why buy? Also, if you are not going to build, seems kind of redundant to ask how to make a stash…

Well I just want something to come back to after football season ends. I might make my stash include 1944-1945 eriod armor and infantry. Thanks for all the suggestions and Im open for anymore?

As a man who has hundreds, maybe thousands of kits, the stash is not all it’s cracked up to be. I would avoid it like the plague. Although I bought most of my kits with the intention of building them, somewhere along the line I became a collector. While I have been able to turn some of the more collectable kits into cash via eBay, I have massive stacks of kits that are worth a fraction of their original retail (or the discount price I probably paid) today. This is mainly due to the advancement of the industry. What was the high end kit of the 1990s isn’t even worth the retail price of the same subject kit today.

For instance, Dragon’s 1/35 scale M4A1(75) was a highly sought after kit in the late 90s. If you could find one, it was not unusual to pay $75 to $100 for that $30 kit. When it was reissued around 2002-03, many of them sold for around $45-50. Lots of modelers grabbed multiple kits in order to turn a profit when the production run ended.

Problem is that the kit never became hard-to-find after the reissue and it was easily obtained at $25-30. Then Tasca released their outstanding M4A1(75) making the old Dragon kit obsolete. You’d be lucky to get $20-25 for one of the Dragon kits today.

It’s great to able to do it, but I only did it when the prices were right! Newer kits are the exception but I only collected the “stash” at a discount or auction prices.

Never more than 40 kits.

If you are a serious modeler,you won’t have to try and create a stash.It will just happen.I assure you.

I hear you Rob!!! Control…the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat…emotions of the stash.

Mine is no where as big as Rob’s but I have about 250 kits and accessories. There are some items on the shelf which are collectors kits from my childhood…It makes me feel good to see them.

The bulk of the kits are what I want to build but at my rate I am covered well into retirement. Now, I try to control myself and stick to “special items and accessories”. I have shed some of my stash and quenched my hunger to buy kits by sending kits to Baghdad.

I started with a concept…US artillery and support equipment. The concept kept expanding. When I was contemplating moving into pure tanks, it was time to goto Stash Builders Anonymous.

As I see new items coming that fit my current stash concept, I wait for the price glitz to calm. And as Rob I do sell items off at times.

This stash can have many sides. I can understand Roy’s comments. It is all what you are comfortable with and can afford and can store.

My stash should not grow much more and hopefully will begin to be built down. Building a stash can be addicting and fun but it costs money.

If it makes you happy, do it but also understand what it takes and what comes with it.

Rounds Complete!!

I dont think its that good to build up a stash that takes 3 closets and half the underneath part of your workbench (like some people I know) But I like buying in bulk, things I know I want to build and will at somepoint, even if I dont feel like it now. I just put in an order, it will last me a good few months. A mini cooper (gona do a mr bean dio) M3 grant, kubel wagon, japanese infintry, german MG team. Before I bought gundam kits in bulk, still have a FAZZ (anime colors) F91 harrisons, Shark mouth Ball, and G-savior unbuilt. There waitin for me to want to build them. I know that I will, just waiting for the urge, but Its not good to buy just to see the boxes (unless you buying the like 3-5$ figure kit sets, with those im tempted to get 100$ and just buy as many as I can.

I keep about four or five kits in the ‘stash’. This is a reasonable number in my opinion, finish one, and then open another, buying another to replace the finished one.

though, if you were to look under my bench (where kits stay) it would appear i have dozens of open kits. The only reason this happens is because i’m lazy, and don’t take the time to trim out extra parts (NEVER get rid of spare parts, murphy’s law says the one you toss, will be the one you need), and recycle the boxes.

If you save the extra parts, and buy after you complete, you won’t need a stash, although having a small one is great for sick/rainy days.