Has anyone out there built this model? And if so, did you stick with the recommended Gunze Mr. Color paints or did you use another brand. Gunze paints are hard to come by.
Has anyone out there built this model? And if so, did you stick with the recommended Gunze Mr. Color paints or did you use another brand. Gunze paints are hard to come by.
Hi Bill,
I asked about the Yorktown myself about a month ago. I plan on building her myself at some point.
From what you can see so far, is she worth the 100 or so bucks ? As for the paints, I don’t know about an alternative brand, but Squadron.com has a wide varitey of Gunze paints available at $1.98 a bottle.
oz1998 go to Great Models.com or check ebay. You can get the kit for well under $100. I am just now finishing the Essex (basically the same kit) and it is/was an absolute delight to build. As to colors, I used model masters on mine. MIxed what I needed
I strongly recommend the White Ensign line of naval colors. If you’re going to spend that much time and money on a ship model, you might just as well put accurate and quality paint on her.
The instructions for Yorktown are suspect. Her Measure 32/10a design scheme called for 5-L Light Gray, 5-O Ocean Gray, and 5-N Navy Blue. Flight deck colors would have been Norfolk 250 stain, but there’s some speculation that the tone was darkened to match 20-B Deck Blue, which is used on all horizontal surfaces such as turret tops, catwalks, etc.
Jeff Herne