Trumpeter Mayflower

I haven’t been able to locate any reiviews of the Trumpeter 1/60th Mayflower.

Has anyone built this kit?

Opinions, humble or otherwise?

Is it worth $65.00?


I have the kit ans wa just ready to start on it before the “Storm” excellent detail. Another BB member called Millard had built it and it look better than the original ship that sailed, call for him, he has great pictures!


Jake is correct I did a build on that kit.I really didn’ t do it so much as the Mayflower but more of a representation of a 17th Century Merchantman.Kit is pretty decent.The fit of the decks was good.That always big with me.I like to get my decks tight with the hull.If there’s a gap I usally use 1/16 qt.rd to fill it.I did use it on the two stern decks.The biggest problem with the kit is the model company has taken it upon themselves to prepaint the decoration on stern.The colors they use are so out of sorts for this era ship plus you would have to paint around them with your hull color.I soaked the stern in Westley Blech-White found in any automotive store.I soaked it for about and hour than with alittle scrubbing it came right off.As I do with most of my ships I replaced the yards with wood.But I do think the kits yards would hold up.I also replaced the blocks with wooden ones from Model Expo.The ship has 10 gun ports which you can have the doors down or up.I have eight of gun ports open the reason is because the kit has full cannons not just the barrel ends sticking out of the hull.speaking of the cannons these barrel are some of the nice’s I’ve seen molded by a plastic company.They are also one piece.There are no plastic shrouds and ratlines HURRY!They give you deadeyes and they are pretty good.They have you using thread for the chain plates.I changed mine to metal.I also switch rigging line to Model Expo my preferance.The ship’s boat is great almost a model in its self.I’m going to build another one down the line.If you would like some photo’ just email me and I’ll send them. Hope this answer some question’s
