I have come into posession of several older Topping/Precise models (E-2C, F-102, F-111B and F-14) that are in serious need of cleaning (esp. the F-111B). Each seems to have a built up layer of dirt/grim and nicotine residue (white on some is a tobacco-brown [V]). Any suggestions out there as to what product(s)/techniques might work on cleaning these up? I’m particularly worried about preserving the original decals, especially on the F-111B given how rare it is. Thanks!
Cleaning it AND preserving the decals? I think you’ve got a mutually exclusive situation there. Anything that takes off the nicotine goo is probably going to damage the decals as well. That said, I would suggest trying some diluted window cleaner (Windex or something similar) on a painted area that is not too noticeable to see what happens. Even if the decals were sealed under a topcoat of flat clear, moisture will not do them any good.
wdossel I`m no expert on this but i would try some damp cotton wool & a small amount of washing liquid in warm water & just wipe the dirt off use cotton budds to clean the small & hard to get to parts.
Good luck & hope this helps [:)]
Throw it in the dish washer and Pray? No sorry no idea.
Try testing in an inconspicuous place -
Isopropyl Alcohol and/or an orange clean product.
Rub gently with a cotton swab (Q-Tip) or an old T-shirt.
I even used Clorox Clean-up on some stubborn stains.
But test it first on a decal that isn’t so noticeable. And have a water rinse ready and waiting for a quick flush of the cleaning chemicals.
I have sprayed straight Windex on them. Spray them real good with the Windex, followed by a rinsing of warm water. It won’t hurt the decals if you don’t leave it on too long.
say Bernie will that work on the decals even without a topcoat?
I haven’t had any problem with some of my older models. Most do not have the decals sealed with anything. If you leave the Windex on too long it will start to soften the decals. The trick is to drown the model with Windex and then wash with warm water. Any remaining residue can be removed with a soft cloth soaked in Windex, followed by another washing.
I tried the Windex with pretty good success ('cept for the nicotine stains) – sprayed on paper towel and gently worked small areas with light pressure. Decals pretty well survived except for those that were already starting to peel. The Tomcat cleaned up very well and looks almost new, the F-111B, well…[:(] I tried the orange-based cleaner w/no luck as well as some mild abrasives (toothpaste and Comet) on the nicotined areas, still no dice. Glad I was never a smoker – can’t imagine this stuff coating one’s lungs [V]
- Will