Took a couple of outside shots of the Leo

Well i had to retake some shots of my Leo for a site thats adding it to their gallery. Heres what i sent them:)

I like the 3rd pic.

Those look great Horus. I’d have to agree with M1, I think the 3rd one looks the best, like it’s driving out of a gully!! [:D]


Is that the kit from Tamiya?

3rd vote for the 3rd pic. The grass is a little out of scale in the others.[:)]

definitely the 3rd pic! What a great looking tank! Just add smoke and flame from the main gun and the target is a gonner!!

Yup, the third pic looks quite realistic.
Is that a big clear riot shield on the turret? Cool idea!
Is this vehicle based on something you’ve seen, or is it a Horus original?

Fantastic pics. Love them.

Ok I too like the 3rd pic and yes this is the Tamiya 1/35th WestGerman Leopard…and yes this is a HORUS original and yes that is a riot shield on top:)
Thanks all, i hope my Tiger comes out as good as this one did:)

Very cool ( 3rd pic ) , puff on a cigerette and puff the smoke in front of the tank for the blueish smoke of the gun it’ll have
a dead target in the sites.