Toilet Panzer III (More pics)

Here is (hopefully- my first time posting a picture) my Panzer III. I call it the toilet Panzer because, while I was at work, my 3 year old “helped” me with the decals by placing them in the toilet to make them “sticky”. Anyway, I posted online for help and two people sent me decals that allowed me to piece together the markings. Thanks boybuddho and TigerII! Ok here are some more angles. I tried making these bigger, but with no luck. Anyone else use Bigger pics available at

Hey JWest,

The picture’s a bit grainy, but from what I can see it looks like you did a nice job. I always did like the Panzer III. Are those green blotches with borders of red brown?


Well it isn’t “Crappy” by any means[:D] Good clean build. I am impressed.


Very nicely built JWest. Now the real question is…what was in the toilet when your son put the decals in [;)]

Would love to see more pics from other angles. I am guessing that is Dragon’s Panzer III M/N?

Yeah they are. I am messing with the pics to fix that grainy issue. I think I got it, but did it take a while to load for you? Maybe I need to shrink the file size

Ok, I fixed the size and grainy problem, now that I know what I am doing. It is Dragon’s version with the green camo spots trimmed in brown. I will get some better pics up this weekend. I felt bad because I promised I would get a pic out for boybuddho and TigerII last week, and I just actually finished it. Luckily the toilet bowl was clean and I was able to actually salvage a couple of decals. I swear the mud on the tracks is not organic!!

That’s a very nice Pz III you’ve built (and an interesting story). I really like the camo pattern.

Enjoy your modeling…

As long as the camo pattern is intentional.[;)]
Love it, great job. I would like to see some other angles myself when you get a chance.

Looks good even with the salvage effort required. Post more pics when you get the chance! [tup]

Funny story… Kiddys are great! The camo turned out superb. What kind of Airbursh are you using…?


I used my Badger 360. I will get some more pics here this weekend (provided the camera doesn’'t go in the potty too)

At least he didn’t flush anything. I love the Pz III also and it looks very nice to me. I like the scruffed job on camo schurzen.

Thanks. I wanted a war weary tank so I banged and muddied up the schurzen pretty good. I originally bought it, planning on doing the N version, but I really liked the camo job on this one.

Not a bad looking stool sample Jason. Lets see some more pics to just be sure everything is going to be ok? Dr. Mike. I didn’t say that, did I? semper fi, mike

Well, I am really glad I am not the only one who enjoys the occasional poopie joke!

At least you aren’t calling it the Herbal Essence Pz III because that would make it a purely organic build…


Would that be the HeEsPzKpfw III or maybe PoOpPzKpfw III?

Nice skid marks[:p].

Hey Jason,

Nice job on the Pz III M. I see there are a lot of comedians on this site…:slight_smile:

I would’ve like to have seen a Pz III N for a change. But you did a fantastic job with the camouflage.

Post some more pics when you get a chance.

Glad I was able to help.


Nice one, JWest…!