To the fella who sent me P-40 photos...

I lost a buncha email recently and wasn’t able to get back to the fella who sent me the P-40 photos concerning Bill Band.

I also don’t recall his name, real or forum handle, and cannot find the original thread that prompted the image exchange.

Anyhoo, if this fella sees this thread… thanks a bunch guy!

Please give me a hollar via PM or email…

Fade to Black…

It’s called short term memory loss — get used to it…

I definatly know about STML. I sometimes misplace a tool and end up looking high and low for it, only to find said tool twenty min’s later, right in front of me. And i notice your in West Des Moines, I suspect you frequent Great Hobby Adventure’s on E.P True Pkwy. I’m in Des Moines also.

I used to suffer from short term memory something or other but I got I forget what now for it, and I’m much better now!

Now, what was I going to say? I forgot.

OMG, I do that all the time. Looking for my keys, when they’re already in my pocket, looking for my sunglasses, when they’re hanging from the neck of my shirt, looking for my spru snipper, when it’s right there in the middle of my cutting board. [:O]

Thank god for my wife, she has an uncanny knack for knowing exactly where all my stuff is, and frequently lets me off the hook. [(-D]

I’m not so sure that has anything to do with STML…I believe it’s more Industrial Blindness…I suffer from it all the time…looking for the scriber, look to the left, look to the right, up, down and all around…for 5 straight minutes I look…then I find it…right in the middle if my workbench, in plain sight, with nothing within 10 inches of it or hiding it from view…frustrating.
I hate that…

I don’t even remember starting this thread…

Fade to Black…

Sorry Steve-O — didn’t mean to hi-jack this thread from you.

Just trying to inject a little humor here…

Huh? Who’s Steve-O?

OH! D’oH!!!

Fade to Black…

what thread?[%-)] oh yeah that thread i have to sew my pants