To hot to build!!!!

It’s HOT here in the pacific northwest .
We are not used to the heat here and it’s showing.
I want to build really bad but I just can’t hang with it right now.

Anyone else having this problem???

Where ya from James? I’m from Vancouver WA. Yes it is hot and kind of muggy, isn’t it? It’s hard to get motivated to model when it’s so nice outside. I imagine you don’t have any A/C in your home, that would make all the difference in the world. Some modelers say they like to model outdoors in the summer. I’m assuming that would be in the evening when it cools down a bit. Well, good luck. Maybe you can drop in a friend or relative with some A/C.

I am living down here in Eugene OR.
I have a/c but it’s not great.
It helps but central air would be my coice.
I rent so that is not an option.
I got a little sanding done but thats about it.
Still getting a little bit done is better than nothing at all.

Central Alabama here…mid 90’s, humidity at 99%…you get used to it.
Thank the lord for A/C!!

Currently living in Germany. Last few days in the low 90’s, but not much humidity. No a/c here either, but building’s not too bad in the evening.

Like Holley said, you get used to inhaling pea soup and swimming from the house to the car and back. On the REALLY humid days, it gets rough, though. :slight_smile:
And God said “click” and there was A/C :slight_smile: - Ed

In my part of the UK it’s been around 85-90F the past few days, but it’s cooled down a bit today.
I like to listen to some mucic when I’m building - I use headphones so as not to disturb the wife - but I get too hot and sweaty around the ears!

Been working on Bunny (my Land Rover) to get its road-worthyness on the 21st of August, and as I don’t have a garage (just a tree that molts), the 30 degree celcius (sorry, not a clue what it is in fahrenheit) ish weather is more than welcome… Modelling has taken a back seat until I get a few more pressing things done (such as getting the car fixed, painting my motorcycle and selling it, getting a new job, clean the bath etc. etc.).

I have heard a lot said about the humidity in the South and wouldn’t trade all our rain for it. In addition, I have a friend who lives near Phoenix and he tries to convince me that the usual 110’s in the summer there is a “dry heat”. I’m sorry, but that is still plenty hot! He racks up some pretty heavy electric bills in the summer. I imagine if you left a model on the sidewalk, it would probably melt by the end of the day.LoL

Tigerman, having lived in Tucson, let me assure you that if you were to put a model on the sidewalk at 8 am it would be a mass of goo by 8:15. Here in northern Cal, though, it’s not much better - the last 3 days have been in the 110 range , and since I work in the garage I haven’t even looked at my currents in a week. In this type of weatherr, most paint dries between jar and model, and solvents have a nasty tendancy to sponteniously combust.

I live in Tulsa and it gets gawdawful hot and humid here. I hate summer, when you walk outside at 11pm it’s still 95, that’s awful. The electric bills are awful this time of year as you use more electricity anyway, but of course, the electric company has to raise the rates as well. It sits in the low 100’s for weeks at a time with no rain and very little wind, the humidity hovers between 60 to 80 percent most of the time as well. In the hot part of the day, it gets hard to breathe sometimes. Yuck. Luckily my apartment is very well insulated and I have a good ac. The burst of cold air when I open the door and walk into my 72 degree apartment makes it almost all worhwile. I hate summer, fall and spring are the best.


Well, I like to model outside, nothing beats airbrushing on the patio.

The problem here in Alberta, as it is in much of Canada’s Prairie region, is the total unpredictability of the weather, it rarely goes with the forcast.

More than once I’ve planned on airbrushing outside because the sky was clear, the temperature was comfortable and no wind. Well, there I am setting up my airbrush and clouds move in and it starts raining, or I’ve gotten far enough into it to start painting and the wind comes up. I remember a couple of years ago in late May, all the snow was gone, the temperature was decent, no wind… No sooner did I start spraying than an unforcast flurry of snow hit }:frowning:

I don’t like heat and humidity much, but I could sure appreciate some consistant weather.

I agree with maddafinga, spring and fall are the best times to be outdoors, not too hot or humid and not so many bugs to get stuck in your wet paint!

You know, suddenly the depressing rain we get here in the Northwest seemingly all year long doesn’t look all that bad. Upnorth, our weather here can change on a dime also, so I know how it feels for you. The forcasters are rarely right on a non August day.

i live in van canada and i dont have that prob

I live in SoCal and also work outside(construction) . Being out in the heat all day zaps my energy so I just don’t feel like doing much when I get home. I have several projects started that I just can’t seem to finish.

<<I agree with maddafinga, spring and fall are the best times to be outdoors, not too hot or humid and not so many bugs to get stuck in your wet paint!>>

Of course, in spring and fall here, we tend to get tornados. Talk about unpredictable weather, those storm cells can bloom up in about an hour out of nowhere. That great big one of a few years back got to within 3 miles of my house before it petered out. Lucky me!


It’s never too hot to build. That is like saying it is too cold to fish or hunt. There is no such thing.

Here in NW Florida in the summer it get HOT and HUMID. This last weekend it was 92 degrees with 90 percent humidity. I worked outside installing a privacy fence around my property. That evening, in a cool house, I spent about three hours working on a model. It helped me relax and ease the tension.

Too hot to build models, never.

Well, just too hot to build outside. I still build inside during this time of year. :slight_smile:


I live on Vancouver Island and yes it has been hot. But since my workshop is in the basement it not to bad to model.

Here on Whidbey Island it’s not that its too hot (a nice breeze keeps things comfortable, except for the truck cab after being parked in the sun…), it’s just to NICE not to be running around outside!!!

Berny- I remember living in Pensacola and being not so much worried about the heat but the humidity, since i was at the time paiting outside (small apartment, only place to spray was an improvised booth out on the patio).