To glue or not to glue

I have a 1/32 F-15E. I already built it and there will be pictures later on. My question concerns the nose cone. It won’t stay on, even though the instctions say it will. Should I glue it, even though I want to show the radar?

If you want to show the radar, then do not glue it on. Have you tried using shims to make it fit tighter? Sometimes that is all it takes.

Sean - This happened to me on a number of occasions, not just with nose cones, but with other parts that you want to move and/or remove to show detail. I’m sure there are some pro’s that can recommend a “good” fix, but I always rely on some good old clear Scotch tape. attach a sliver of scotch tape put on the underside (inside) of the nose cone with the “sticky” side facing up and a 1/4 inch or so hanging out. Then, tilt the nose cone up and attach to plane, use a toothpick or something to attach the tape to the inside of the plane and drop the cone. You may have to play areound with it a bit, but when you get it just perfect, you will be able to lift the nose conse and expose the radar & you will never see the tape on the underside. Hope this quick and simple trick helps you in the near term. At least you won’t glue it and hide all the hard work you put into detailing the radar, etc.


Duct tape, baby!!! [;)][:p]

It’s just a joke…

Fade to Black…

Only you could come up with an answer like that. The fix all, repair all, sticky wonder duct tape [;)]

Gee, thanks Bern. [}:)][:p]

To glue, or not to glue… THAT is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to expose the radar…

Fade to Black…

if it moves…duck tape it…if it doesnt move…WD40 it