To airbrush before or after assembling

Hi I am not sure if this question has been asked before.

What do you suggest.

Build the complete model i.e. Tiger I then airbrush?

Build till the tracks and other smaller items need to be added, airbursh the main colours, then added the tracks and other smaller items?

Airbrush first all pieces before assembeling?

please excuse any spelling mistakes [8)]

Hey Marvo,

Welcome to the forums! Yes this has been asked an answered before, but, no sweat! You will get a lot of different opinions from some pretty good builders that will be exactly opposite from one another!

For armor, I build first (except for tools) and then paint:

I paint tools cables etc off the tank, then attach before weathering.



I’ve only built a few armor pieces but I did the same as Steve except left off the tracks, I painted those seperately and put them on with the tools and what not. I did the weathering as a whole unit though to make it blend… good luck!

Hi Marvo, welcome to the forum. And, yes, you will get a number of varied responses to your question. You may have to experiment to find out what best works for you. Keep in mind that you may use different techniques for different models. Here is what works for me most of the time. I build the hull and turret, put the turrest in place and then paint. That is if there is not a lot of overhang from the rear of the turret. The wheels, gears, sprockets, etc are all sprayed off the vehicle. I want to be sure that the hull behind the wheels receive enough paint and color. Next I add the “tire black” to all the rubber surfaces of the wheels, assy. the wheels and add them to the vehicle. The tracks are next painted and initially weathered to at least some degree. I next add the tracks, tow cables, tools, antenae, etc. and weathering. Decals are added at some point prior to weathering the whole vehicle. I usually play this by ear. Like I said, find out what works for you. But by all means have fun! Good luck on your models.
