I have a question to anyone who can answer it. I have been emailing every company I could find asking if they could make me some tires. TSL Super Swampers, Boggers, ThornBirds, and the like for my off road projects. No one seems to be able to help. It wasn’t until eBay that I found the Super Swampers. The seller says that they were manufactured by SATCO and no longer available. Current bid is $25 for 4! I went to the SATCO webpage and saw that they were manufactured by a company in Japan which has not yet let them no when they will be available again. I would certainly hate to think that I have lost these tires forever after just finding them after two years of looking. Anyone no how to make tires? Anyone know any hobby shops that might still have a few sets? Any info would be great. Thanks.
I found a set of them at Space Coast Hobbies here in Melbourne, Fl. I don’t know if they sitll have them or not though. Their number and e-mail are:
Like I said, they might be worth shot, but no promises!
Twenty-five bucks on e-bay, huh? Wow!
I can tell you that the SATCO tires are good quality and they look great once they are on and muddied up.
Good luck!
Anybody want some super swampers? The company in Japan is waiting for a license from INTERCO (the company that makes the full scale tires). If I can get enough people to send letters to INTERCO, maybe we can push the envelope and the company can get the license and we can get the tires. I’m waiting for the actual name of that Japan company so there can be something to go to INTERCO with. If interested, email me at DJeffries0902@aol.com and we’ll make this happen.