Tip for small bits......


After having broken off the flap lever and control stick in my second P-40B cockpit several times, and either shaking my head or raising #@%$ [:(!] … I decided to make these tiny bits more durable by: drilling holes with a #80 bit into the bases of them, running fine wire into the holes and securing with CA. Then drilling holes completely through the cockpit floor in the appropriate places, and running the wires through the cockpit floor and securing this with CA, thereafter trimming off excess wire…

I’m sure I’m not the only bloke who ever thought of this, but figured I’d throw it out there and see if anyone catches…

Another solution that comes to mind is:

Mixing sprue shavings with testors liquid cement to form a putty for filling gaps and holes… Of course, requiring sanding, depending on how smoothly one applies the mixture to the model. Again, probably not original, but…



They may not be new ideas but it is helpful to share your revelations with others. A newcomer to the hobby reading that will learn a couple of very useful tricks. If I can add to your filler tip, I like to mix it in several thickness and use different colored sprue for each consistancy. When I learned to make this kind of filler, it was referred to as “Sprue Goo”, but I’m sure it has other names as well.

don’t hesitate to post tips.
no matter how long you have known it, there will be someone saying
“dang! that’s what i should do!”


I use the same trick on landing gear struts. I use solid brass rod. If there is any thing more frustrating than to compleat a model, then the smallest bump causes the gear to break off. It also makes the model more stable if weight has been added.