Tiger Tank kits

I am going to purchase a Tiger Tank kit in either 1/16 or 1/15 scale, not the R/C version. I wanted to know if there any big difference between the Tamiya or the Bandai kits.
Any help is appreciated.
Also I was thinking about a Eastern Front Winter paint scheme,
should this be a blue/gray base with lite white wash over ?

Yeah, the Bandai is cheaper, but ya gets what ya pays for - a toy compared to the Tamiya.
Like comparing the Lindberg M46 with a DML M46; there is no comparison.
Save for the Tamiya, you be so much happier with your expenditure.

AFAIK, the Tam Tiger I is an “early”, so either Panzer Gray with whitewash, or Armor Yellow with whitewash would be OK.

Skip speaks the absolute truth.
The Tamiya Tiger I is amazing. Even more so with the Aber PE set. Without a doubt, the final word on Tigers, in my opinion!
The Bandai Tiger I is…well, cheap and big.

Take care when deciding what base colour your Tiger should be. Its not simply a matter of choosing either of Panzergrau or Panzergelb. This choice depends on the unit, the date and the front. Only few Tigers actually were painted grey, mostly in units that fought around Leningrad and Kharkov. Please refer to Tiger I on the Eastern FrontandTiger I on the Western Front`, two recent book that for once and for all resolve the relentless discussion brought about by contradictions in Panzer Colors 1, 2 and 3.

My Bandai’s Tiger I 1:15 has been zimmeritted and painted in 3-color camo scheme. Please take a look and see whether the colors are correct, and
whether you like it. Thanks.
